On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 5:50 AM, webwarrior <r...@webwarrior.ws> wrote:

> I made several commits to Spec
> (https://github.com/spec-framework/spec/pull/15) shortly before the
> license
> change.

That is the problem. After the license change Pharo could not pull from
that repository.

> I thought these changes would be merged into Pharo. However, they are not
> in
> Pharo 4 as for now.

We could not. The license was incompatible.

> Are there any problems?
You remain the copyright holder of your code, so you are free to submit
your change directly to Pharo - but it is too late now for Pharo 4.   Such
is the knock on effect of someone unilaterally changing other peoples MIT
contributions to GPL.

However I am not sure if Spec is maintained in-Image are in a different
external repository.
cheers -ben

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