
The normal behavior
'abc' howManyMatch: 'abd' --> 2.

I got suprized the way Blanks and new lines are handled.

'\**' withCRs howManyMatch: '\\**' withCRs. --> 2 instead of 1

'ab\ **' withCRs howManyMatch: 'ab\\**' withCRs. --> 4 instead of 3

'\ **' withCRs howManyMatch: '\\**' withCRs. --> 3 instead of 1

'ab\ **' withCRs howManyMatch: 'ab\\**' withCRs. --> 5 instead of 3

The behavior is the same in both Pharo 3 and Pharo 4.

Reading the code of does not help me understand why it's this way

String>>howManyMatch: string 
        "Count the number of characters that match up in self and aString."
        | count shorterLength |
        count := 0.
        shorterLength := self size min: string size.
        1 to: shorterLength do: [:index |
                (self at: index) = (string at: index )
                        ifTrue: [ count := count + 1 ]].
        ^  count 

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