On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 8:52 AM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr <mailto:steph...@free.fr>> wrote:

    Hi guys

    I have a general comments.
    Doru in a recent email you complain that people may (and it was
    not the case) think that GT was out of Pharo.

I did not complain. I just noticed how several times there it was argued that something is imposed from GT onto Pharo and that because <example> is in a certain way only in GT it somehow plays a secondary importance. This implies that collectively, we reason about GT as being separate from Pharo.

I do not know. But having the visibility is what I propose.

Now I think that the group does not mention clearly enough his plans.
    And in general groups (like rmod too).

We worked only on the things we announced since the PharoDays in January:
- Spotter
- Inspector/Playground
- Chatter

    For example, we just get that there is a support for code critics.

You just get the news because it just happened days before the announcement of Uko. And this was not following a big master plan. It was a mere couple of hours of playing around with implementing more examples of how to use Spotter by Stefan Reichhart (the newest GT team member).

Please look back, and you will notice that every significant feature that is released comes with a prominent description on http://humane-assessment.com. And along the way we also describe examples of how to use GT. I honestly do not know how to provide more.

What I'm saying.
Ok let me repeat it.
Is that if we have a place where a guy can come and see the list of people working on different topics
then he can know who to ask or pay attention when starting something.

    About the Quality Assistant of Yuriy I have been discussing
    regularly with him to make sure that I
    would not launch something that would compete with him and that I
    do not pay a student for
    something in concurrence.

    I discussed with Alberto student that should work on improving
    Ecompletion and I change the topic of
    a guy coming to work with us.

    So I would like to propose that we share a kind of board of
    announce on what people are doing.
    For example starting 1 of april
        Franck will work on improving pretty printing
        Merwane will work on 3D and event touch
        Thomas will work on code review
        Cyril will work on pillar improvements
        Kevin on decompiler
        Julien on remote environment or new collection

That is welcome information, which was indeed opaque until now.

Indeed because it was not announced and I propose to have a better way to do it. We usually sak every student to do an announce to the mailing-list when they start to work on some topics
to get exposure/feedback and ideas.
Now we could just have one page with this information.

On Tuesday we will organize a working session in Bern on the Pharo IDE with exactly the goal of supporting more exchange.

    So what do you think. For me I think that this is important.
    Because I would like to lower frustration.

What is the concrete proposal? To send emails here when we know we are switching topics? We did that regarding GT and it seems to not be enough. What else is needed?

I'm not talking only about GT.
Now I can keep the projects we are planning to work on for us and do not pay attention to people but it will be counterproductive and generating
frustration. But this is ok for me.
I just suggest that we get a page even on github with a list of topics and people + status


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