Merwane will work on 3D and event touch
Glad to hear this! I guess this is related to what Pierre will do with the 

Pierre contacted JB (again because I sent him the info and this is ad-hoc). This is why I propose a blackboard.
JB started to work on improving OSWindow multitouch support.
Now all the SDL events are reified.
JB started to port a kind of reactive library in ruby to see if we want to use that to
identify gesture and raise events.

JB worked on it without being paid. From Monday
Merwane is joining and will help probably more on the 3d aspects.
If pierre wants to help/sync he is welcomed.

Our goal is to have
    - basic events for all devices and blob reported
- advanced event (like scrolling when you have two fingers on mac) raised
    - be able to specifiy how such events are recognised.

I ported the 1D recogniser from Squeak to Pharo and there are two other recognisers to be ported from JS to Java
and we should check Genie's code to see if we can reuse it.

It would be great that Merwane will sync with us on this. What does he plan to do? Will he worked on top of Woden? Can we get in touch about this?


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