2015-05-12 21:44 GMT+02:00 stepharo <steph...@free.fr>:

> Thanks alain
> Before asking we read all the examples and I saw that selector: is used to
> communicate and update the code pane.
> (UIManager default newAutoAcceptTextEntryFor: self
>             get: #selector
>             set: #selector:
>             class: String
>             getEnabled: #haveClassName
>             help: 'Enter a selector' translated
>             entryCompletion: entryCompletion)
>                 acceptOnCR: false;
>                 ghostText: 'Selector';
>                 withDropListButton;
I think this is only for the drop down list.
In RubMethodEditingExample>>#selector:
it calls the update explicit
 self updateCodeWith:  (cls sourceCodeAt: selector)
and updateCodeWith: sets the text on the text model.

> Now my problem (and may be there is not solution) is how can I connect
> from a pluggableListMorph to a RubScrollText
> when the list does not generate announcement.
> This is why I tried to pass via dependents or something like that.
> I will try to generate announcements but this is a lot more work and I do
> not know if it will work.
> Stef

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