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done & committed
> On 14 May 2015, at 12:06, Alain Plantec <alain.plan...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> ahh, good remark :)
> the menu stuff is not finished.
> I do it now
> thanks 
> Alain
>> On 13 May 2015, at 18:09, Franck Warlouzet <franck.warlou...@hotmail.fr 
>> <mailto:franck.warlou...@hotmail.fr>> wrote:
>> Hi alain 
>> thanks a lot!
>> This helps us a lot. We got nearly something working. We will produce a list 
>> of methods and changes we had to do.
>> see in the attached cs.
>> Now
>> lookupMenu
>>     "default implementation of the algorithm that lookup the menu"
>>     | default |
>>     default := [ self editingMode menu ].
>>     ^ self model 
>>         ifNil: [ default value ] 
>>         ifNotNil: [ :m | m menu ifNil: [ default value ] ]
>> We add a new method in nautilus that creates a menu as follow
>> because m is our NautilusModel
>> menu
>>     ^ self sourceCodeMenu: MenuMorph new shifted: false.
>> But I was wondering why m menu does not take into account the information we 
>> passed when we created the rubPluggable
>> sourceTextArea := self textMorphClass
>>                 on: self
>>                 text: #sourceCodeFrom:
>>                 accept: #compileSource:notifying:
>>                 readSelection: #contentsSelectionFrom:
>>                 menu: #sourceCodeMenu:shifted:.
>> I see that 
>> RubEditingArea has a policy but we could find how we can improve 
>> RubPluggable to use the menu:
>> To: pharo-dev@lists.pharo.org <mailto:pharo-dev@lists.pharo.org>
>> From: pharo-dev@lists.pharo.org <mailto:pharo-dev@lists.pharo.org>
>> CC: alain.plan...@yahoo.com <mailto:alain.plan...@yahoo.com>
>> Subject: Re: [Pharo-dev] Trying to use Rubric in Nautilus ....
>> Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 07:26:15 -0700
>> --Pièce jointe du message transmise--
>> Subject: Re: [Pharo-dev] Trying to use Rubric in Nautilus ....
>> From: alain.plan...@yahoo.com <mailto:alain.plan...@yahoo.com>
>> Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 16:25:34 +0200
>> To: pharo-dev@lists.pharo.org <mailto:pharo-dev@lists.pharo.org>
>> see Rubric-AlainPlantec.196 in the Rubric repo.
>> I’ve added RubPluggableTextMorph and RubPluggableTextMorphExample.
>> Need to be polished certainly but it should facilitate the integration of 
>> Rubric in Nautilus.
>> cheers
>> Alain
>> On 12 May 2015, at 22:45, stepharo <steph...@free.fr 
>> <mailto:steph...@free.fr>> wrote:
>> For fun I put the following trace in 
>> sourceCodeFrom: aTextMorph
>>     Transcript show: '.'.
>>     ^ self sourceCode
>> And in general this method is invoked three times instead of one :)
>> Before asking we read all the examples and I saw that selector: is used to 
>> communicate and update the code pane.
>> (UIManager default newAutoAcceptTextEntryFor: self
>>             get: #selector
>>             set: #selector:
>>             class: String
>>             getEnabled: #haveClassName
>>             help: 'Enter a selector' translated
>>             entryCompletion: entryCompletion)
>>                 acceptOnCR: false;
>>                 ghostText: 'Selector';
>>                 withDropListButton;
>> I think this is only for the drop down list.
>> What I meant is that I could use set: and pass the selector to be invoked by 
>> the dropdown when the drop down is selected. 
>> And it will notify self with the selector: selector. So we could sepcify any 
>> selector (ie I can register to the drop box and say call me once you are 
>> set). 
>> In RubMethodEditingExample>>#selector:
>> it calls the update explicit
>>  self updateCodeWith:  (cls sourceCodeAt: selector)
>> and updateCodeWith: sets the text on the text model.
>> Now my problem (and may be there is not solution) is how can I connect from 
>> a pluggableListMorph to a RubScrollText
>> when the list does not generate announcement.
>> This is why I tried to pass via dependents or something like that.
>> I will try to generate announcements but this is a lot more work and I do 
>> not know if it will work.
>> Stef
>> <glueRubNautilus.2.cs>

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