Le 12/05/2015 19:02, Alain Rastoul a écrit :
Le 08/05/2015 11:34, stepharo a écrit :
Hi guys

the Transcript in Pharo is that it's not asynchronous so I can't use it
in VM development to show the current progress of the simulation. For
1 to: 100 do: [ :i |
     0.1 seconds asDelay wait.
     Transcript show: 'x'. ]
=> on Squeak, this shows a x every 0.1 second in the Transcript
=> on Pharo, nothing happens during 10 seconds then all the x are shown.


I updated the fogbugz entry with a changeset containing the sources Stef
already put here, so that it should be easy for anybody to load
CuisTranscript into a Pharo image and have a look.

IMHO another solution has to be found, or a big review of this has to be
see details in fogbugz entry.

A very ugly but simple workaround could be

    accessSemaphore critical: [
        deferredEndEntry := true .
        " is Synchronous coudl be a setting"
        self isSynchronous
            ifTrue: [
                self stepGlobal . "handles appendEntry"
                World displayWorldSafely "redraw now" ] ].

with a setings for isSynchronous
ugly but works,



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