> On 22 May 2015, at 07:08, Kasper Osterbye <kas...@itu.dk> wrote:
> I have now twice in two different situations felt a need to "steal" a method
> in Nautilus and make that method an extension method in my own package. 
> In situation A, I wanted to steal the #buildCommentPane to use a different
> Morph for class comments,
> In situation B, Sergio and I needed to redefine #getComments and
> #addComments:notifying: to fill out behaviour for package comments.
> What is the kosher way to work and contribute in such situations? I guess it
> will also pop up in situations outside of Nautilus.

Semantically, overrides are never “save” as they do not compose: two packages
overriding, which version is the correct one?

In the past people tried to e.g. add support to monticello to install the 
original method
when an override gets unloaded. But this all breaks down as soon as two packages
override the same method.

Overrides therefore should be used just for experimental code… what i do is to 
put it
on *mypackage-override so I do not forget to find a solution later that does 
not need it.


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