my impression is that we can focus on better improvements with larger impact,.

Le 3/6/15 02:17, Francisco Garau a écrit :

I'd like to make some syntax changes that would make block evaluation more legible.

Currently we define and evaluate blocks like this:

    inc := [ : x | x + 1 ].
    (inc value: 3) = 4.
    addTo := [ : x : y | x + y ].
    (addTo value: 3 value: 4) = 7.

But I would like them to be defined like this:

    [ inc: x | x + 1 ].
    (inc: 3) = 4

    [add: x to: y | x + y ].
    (add: 3 to: 4) = 7.

What do you think? Is it feasible?

I presume it's Opal where I should start looking at implementing this changes, but any hints/suggestions are welcomed.


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