On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 4:14 PM, Francisco Garau
<francisco.ga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 3 June 2015 at 05:56, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
>> I think that would confuse me, and maybe break syntax highlighting.
>> It *looks* like a message send to nothing.
> That might be a good thing as there is no object needed to resolve the
> method lookup. You already have the "method" to evaluate, which is obviously
> the block.
> It's a bit heretic, but the more I think, the more I like it.

Well, if its an itch you need to scratch, go ahead :)
But it might be a struggle to get the community to accept it into
Pharo, and hence possibly a maintenance burden for you each Pharo
cheers -ben

>> How about something that gives more feeling of inserting...
>>   add <-- 3 , 4.
>>   add <<< 3 , 4.
>>   add <<: 3 <<: 4.
>>   add @:3 @:4.
>> cheers -ben
>> On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 8:17 AM, Francisco Garau
>> <francisco.ga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > I'd like to make some syntax changes that would make block evaluation
>> > more
>> > legible.
>> >
>> > Currently we define and evaluate blocks like this:
>> >
>> > inc := [ : x | x + 1 ].
>> > (inc value: 3) = 4.
>> > addTo := [ : x : y | x + y ].
>> > (addTo value: 3 value: 4) = 7.
>> >
>> >
>> > But I would like them to be defined like this:
>> >
>> > [ inc: x | x + 1 ].
>> > (inc: 3) = 4
>> >
>> > [add: x to: y | x + y ].
>> > (add: 3 to: 4) = 7.
>> >
>> >
>> > What do you think? Is it feasible?
>> >
>> > I presume it's Opal where I should start looking at implementing this
>> > changes, but any hints/suggestions are welcomed.
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> > Francisco

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