
in Pharo5  #120 we have lots of progress with Reflectivity regarding to 
“reificated values”.

1) more reificated value are working.

#arguments - an array of the arguments of a message send or method
#receiver - receiver of a message (or method executed)
#context for Methods
#sender for method and message

This means we have now all the info needed to e.g. pass all date needed to do a 
message send on the meta level.
(receiver, args, selector), or a variable store (#name, #newValue).

2) Reifications as arguments to conditions. When the block used as a condition 
has arguments, the name
is matched to the possible reifications and if valid this value is passed as an 
argument. Very useful e.g. for
object specific links:

link := MetaLink new 
                condition: [: object | object == <the object I am intersted 
                metaObject: <someObject>; 
                selector: <some selector>

This link would only be active for this one object.

3) Reifications as meta object

Every valid reified value can be the metaobject of the link. e.g. you can now 
define a link where the meta is the node where the Link is installed:

link := MetaLink new 
                metaObject: #node; 
                selector: #tagHasBeenExecuted.

Or the #receiver:

link := MetaLink new 
                metaObject: #receiver; 
                selector: #perform:withArguments:;
                arguments: #(selector arguments).


-> #slot, #global. #variable reifications
-> #after needs to wrap in ensure:
-> primitives
-> more tests
-> optimize link preambles: when reifying both #arguments and #receiver, 
    merge the preamble into one for performance.

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