Hello Marcus,

I wanted to modify some event creation in Epicea and I just used this
It's pretty cool!


On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 2:36 PM, Marcus Denker <marcus.den...@inria.fr>

> Hi,
> in Pharo5  #120 we have lots of progress with Reflectivity regarding to
> “reificated values”.
> 1) more reificated value are working.
> #arguments - an array of the arguments of a message send or method
> #receiver - receiver of a message (or method executed)
> #context for Methods
> #sender for method and message
> This means we have now all the info needed to e.g. pass all date needed to
> do a message send on the meta level.
> (receiver, args, selector), or a variable store (#name, #newValue).
> 2) Reifications as arguments to conditions. When the block used as a
> condition has arguments, the name
> is matched to the possible reifications and if valid this value is passed
> as an argument. Very useful e.g. for
> object specific links:
> link := MetaLink new
>                 condition: [: object | object == <the object I am
> intersted in>];
>                 metaObject: <someObject>;
>                 selector: <some selector>
> This link would only be active for this one object.
> 3) Reifications as meta object
> -------------
> Every valid reified value can be the metaobject of the link. e.g. you can
> now define a link where the meta is the node where the Link is installed:
> link := MetaLink new
>                 metaObject: #node;
>                 selector: #tagHasBeenExecuted.
> Or the #receiver:
> link := MetaLink new
>                 metaObject: #receiver;
>                 selector: #perform:withArguments:;
>                 arguments: #(selector arguments).
> -> #slot, #global. #variable reifications
> -> #after needs to wrap in ensure:
> -> primitives
> -> more tests
> -> optimize link preambles: when reifying both #arguments and #receiver,
>     merge the preamble into one for performance.
Gustavo Santos

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