Le 4 sept. 2015 à 09:22, Yuriy Tymchuk a écrit :

> Hi, 
> I find announcements in Nautilus a bit strange. I guess you are familiar with 
> QualityAssistant. To display the critics about the currently selected entity 
> I need to know which one is selected. There is NautilusMethodSelected and 
> NautilusClassSelected announcements. But here is a small detail, if you 
> select a method, both of them are fired i.e. for the method’s class and the 
> method itself.

> Does anybody need this double announcing? (Maybe it is quadruple, I haven’t 
> checked for a package and protocol)

And the best is that the UI is refreshed for each announcement. Then you 
understand why Nautilus is slow.
Franck did some improvements but Nautilus still refresh itself far too much 
(there was 12 refresh calls for the source code panel ...).

It looks like a design flaw: there should be only one announcement for a 
selection change. You could define PackageSelectionChanged, 
ClassSelectionChanged, ProtocolSelectionChanged, MethodSelectionChanged, each 
one with more or less info (I mean method will have the protocol, class, and 

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