This still fails three and a half years later with a default Pharo 4 vm and image.

I spent a few hours trying to diagnose why Pharo was telling me that I file I knew existed didn't exist. Very frustrating trying to debug this and then to find it is a vm and not an image issue. I then to search the archives to find this is a known issue for this long and still broken.

The latest linux vm works fine.

Is there a reason why the "latest" vm isn't the stable vm? Or at least this bugfix applied to the stable vm?



On 06/13/2012 05:00 PM, eliot.miranda at (Eliot Miranda) wrote:
On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 7:40 AM, David T. Lewis <lewis at> wrote:

On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 04:08:14PM +0200, G?ran Krampe wrote:

Ok, so the plot thickens:

If I run this in a "oneclick 1.4" I will get a file write error on 2Gb:

| f b |
f := StandardFileStream newFileNamed: 'test'.
b := ByteArray new: 1024*1024*100. "100Mb"
[30 timesRepeat: [f nextPutAll: b]] ensure: [f close] "3Gb"

...but it worked fine using a self built "standard" VM from
(! Same image btw.

Now, does it work with the bleeding edge Cog? Tried r2556 and nope, same

So I "guess" it is a Cog thing? I haven't tried building Cog from source.

regards, G?ran
Background on large file support, see especially Bert's summary:

I'm not sure if the Cog VMs are being compiled with the the LFS option,
I expect that if you compile it yourself with the build options that Bert
then it should start working.

I just committed the necessary changes for my branch.  Will rebuild soon.
  G?ran, if you're in a hurry build your own?  You'd need to be in and run ./mvm.

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