Sweet! You’re not using the LibGit bindings for this, are you?


> On 23 Nov 2015, at 16:25, Skip Lentz <skip.le...@inria.fr> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> As part of my internship I am creating bindings to the GitHub API in Pharo.
> As a prototype and demo, I have created a small tool last week to do some 
> basic versioning, namely checking out a version, committing a version and 
> showing a log of commits along with a branch tree.
> Here’s a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/iMfWOvp.png 
> <http://i.imgur.com/iMfWOvp.png>
> The repository of the bindings and the tool is here: 
> http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Balletie/GitHub 
> <http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Balletie/GitHub>
> To load the tool into your image, execute:
> (ConfigurationOfGitHub project version: #development) load: #tool
> Keep in mind that this is tied to GitHub, since internally it uses the API. A 
> nice side effect of this is that everything can be done in-memory. That is, 
> there’s no local copy on the filesystem. One does not even need git installed.
> That being said, feel free to take off with my prototype and make it work 
> with e.g. the LibGit bindings in Pharo.
> Known bug:
> - When selecting a different repository from the dropdown while a version is 
> also selected in the log, one gets a DNU. To work around this for the time 
> being, just deselect the version before you switch repositories.
> Let me know what you think and feel free to ask some questions.
> Skip

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