Le 9/2/16 11:53, Aliaksei Syrel a écrit :
On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 11:39 AM, Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com <mailto:esteba...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    mmm… that’s a bad question because I would answer “all of them”,
    but I understand you want to do a step to make easy for us to
    understand so my answer has to be “the important ones”, but since
    there is no documentation/class comments/examples I just cannot
    know which  them, so is up to you (and people doing bloc) to tell
    us which are “the important ones”… by adding class comments and
    examples! :D

It depends :) There are a lot of obvious places in Bloc that do not necessarily need documentation to understand them. For example events. BlLostMouseFocusEvent does not need any "serious" documentation in first place. If you want to find out when it is being sent it is much faster to do cmd+n then read long class doc. I don't want to say that we don't need documentation.. I just want to say that with amount of available man-power we can't instantly add documentation to everything in bloc.

Sorry but if the class has an example and a comment stating.
If you want to react to LostMouseFocus do it like that

    self eventListener: #LostMouseFocus

Then this is just great. So a comment is not only about what the class does but how to use it.


So I'm asking: what parts of Bloc do you find especially complicated to understand. so we could concentrate on them? Root class BlElement(methods) has good doc, so please use it to start your exploration journey.


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