
> On Feb 20, 2016, at 7:45 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianop...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 20, 2016 at 6:41 AM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:
> Hi,
> There are recurring questions about GTSpotter, along the lines of:
>         why Spotter does not work well for 95% of the cases
>                 - implement
>                 - send
>                 - class
>                 - class refs?
> This is in the latest #50591, BTW.
> Starting with the 3rd one, searching for classes, that has been working well 
> since day one and has benefited from general improvements.
> 'zncl' gives me ZnClient immediately.
> Yes, you have to learn how to dive into a result to expand it, but that is 
> not often needed in this case.
> 'readstream', then first arrow (or cmd-shit-right), then 'co' gives me 
> ZnCodePointReadStream and ZnEncodeReadStream.
> In both cases, just typing enter browses the class, which is what I want.
> Both implementers and senders do work well today, you just have to figure out 
> how (learnability is an issue, but not everything can be obvious in this 
> world).
> 'get: #i' but also, 'get:' + cmd-m gives you all implementors of #get: and 
> spotter automatically expands from a limited set of 5 matches to 100
> It does not here. Here, using 50594, doing 'get: +i' does not give me all 
> implementors of #get: as you said, but all the implementors MATCHING #get:.
> In fact, those with #get: (exactly) are not even sorted on top. See attached 
> screenshot.  

This is caused because of ordering. This is an issue that is open since a long 
time, and we have a hard time finding the right solution. But, we are still 
trying. We now made it explicit on the issue tracker:


> Enable preview (click outer arrow, or cmd-p) and you see the implementors 
> right there
> Now, dive in (first arrow or cmd-shit-right), and type 'zn' and I can see 
> ZnClient>>#get:
> Type enter to open the method in a browser
> Similar approach for senders, using #s and cmd-n
> 'join: #s'but also, 'join:' + cmd-n gives you all senders of #join: and 
> spotter automatically expands
> Enable preview (click outer arrow, or cmd-p) and you see the implementors 
> right there
> Now, dive in (first arrow or cmd-shit-right), and type 'zn' and I can see 
> ZnDefaultServerDelegate>>#welcomePageCss
> Type enter to open the method in a browser
> Class references, I don't know how to do that, but I can't see why it would 
> not fit and it would be a good addition.
> Spotter adds to the other ways of doing these 4 actions, the old one still 
> work, as does command-click (one of my favourites).
> Sven
> PS: I don't wan to narrow down the discussion to just these 4 cases, Spotter 
> and GT are about way more than just this, you can search for many, many 
> things (for example, type 'json' and you can install 3 packages from the 
> catalog), and you can extend these tools yourself. I also know that things 
> must improve further.
> -- 
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
> <Screen Shot 2016-02-20 at 3.41.45 PM.png>


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