PharoLauncher is the my primary entry point to Pharo.  I now feel
awkward starting Pharo any other way.  It makes is cheap to create and
manage throw away images when tackling multiple issues from the

The critical thing is the _single_step_ to download the most recent
numeric build to an image named CaseX-buildM.  Then to try another
approach, CaseXb-buildM is created from the _local_ cache.  It cheap
to have two images, one original and one loaded with someone else's
slice loaded and trace the two in parallel.

Its our only tool that makes it feasible to bisect when a problem was
introduced, by creating a *fresh* images from the local template image
cache. Its easy to manage over 100 images, then cull them back in
large groups when redundant.

Company: private enthusiast Pharo community

cheers -ben

On Sat, Feb 20, 2016 at 6:49 PM, Damien Cassou <> wrote:
> For my CV, I need to know who is using the stuff I'm doing. If you use
> the Pharo Launcher, could you please tell me in which context (e.g.,
> which company, open-source project) and what you use it for (e.g.,
> download from CI, standard Pharo)?
> I don't need long paragraphs, just give me the keywords please.
> Thanks
> --
> Damien Cassou
> "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
> losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill

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