On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 5:30 PM, Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com> wrote:
> Hi Stef,
> Yes, the title is what you are searching for :). I keep on trying to explain 
> that, but somehow this does not come through. We changed the rendering of the 
> category label to include # in front to make it more apparent. So, if you 
> have a category named #SomeCategoryTitle, you can search for #somec, and you 
> will reduce the amount of processors that get triggered.

I hadn't noticed that. And looking at it now I know, it still doesn't
leap out at me as a strong connect.  How about some template ghost
text before typing, using a random #someCategory each time ?

cheers -ben

> It is essentially, what you were asking for: if you only want implementors, 
> then you will only search for implementors if you add #implementors (or #i / 
> #im / #imp / #impl / #imple / #implem … ) to your query. The reason it works 
> only with #i is that there is no other category that starts with #i on the 
> top search.
> I extended the help in the latest version of GT-Spotter with several 
> examples. I will continue extending today with the technical side of how to 
> extend Spotter. Could you take a look to see if it is more explanatory?
> https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/17666/GTSpotter-should-offer-usage-help
> Cheers,
> Doru
>> On Feb 23, 2016, at 8:46 AM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:
>> Doru
>> is it the title: 'References' that is used to represent #references?
>> I do not get it, I have ot guess. Showing people the implementation does not 
>> automatically explain.
>> The help is missing some text (no idea if this is correct).
>> "
>> Each Extensions methods (e.g. spotterCompositionFor:) defines the category 
>> tags that you
>> can type in the input field
>>    Point #traits?
>>    Point #composing traits?
>> For the people loving implementation detail, the title of the listProcessor 
>> is used as categories.
>> "
>> Stef
>> Le 22/2/16 10:24, Tudor Girba a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> Indeed, this is a problem:
>>> https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/17668/Spotter-should-allow-filtering-categories-that-have-space
>>> Now, I enhanced the category matching to ignore the whitespace. So, now you 
>>> can say:
>>>      #Classinstancevariables
>>> Another option would be to change the names of categories to have 
>>> underscore instead of space. Like this:
>>>      #Class_instance_variables
>>> What do you think?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Doru
>>>> On Feb 21, 2016, at 7:22 PM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:
>>>> Thanks but it does not really help understanding. At least I do not get it 
>>>> at all.
>>>> I have no idea how from
>>>>    Class instance variables
>>>>     I should type something meaningfull.
>>>> I could get it for Examples, Implementors, Senders because there is only 
>>>> one word.
>>>> Le 20/2/16 14:34, Tudor Girba a écrit :
>>>>> We added the mechanism and created a kind of an API entry for documenting 
>>>>> all entries within the image. This was one of your request: to know what 
>>>>> are all the different searches possible :).
>>>>> Doru
>>>>>> On Feb 20, 2016, at 2:26 PM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> So I tried again to understand how spotter works and I looked at the 
>>>>>> help and I could not understand
>>>>>> how I can find class references.
>>>>>> I saw that but it does not show me how I can use it and I do not really 
>>>>>> want to understand how this is implemented.
>>>>>> spotterReferenceFor: aStep
>>>>>>    <spotterOrder: 30>
>>>>>>    aStep listProcessor
>>>>>>            title: 'References';
>>>>>>            allCandidates: [ (SystemNavigation default allReferencesTo: 
>>>>>> self binding) collect: #compiledMethod ];
>>>>>>            itemName: [ :method | method gtDisplayString ];
>>>>>>            filter: GTFilterSubstring
>>>>>> To me this help is totally obscure.
>>>>>> Spotter allows the developer to define custom search processors in 
>>>>>> different classes. These custom processors take effect when Spotter 
>>>>>> reaches an instance of the extended class. You can find below the list 
>>>>>> of extensions from this image.
>>>>>> You can also browse this list by inspecting:
>>>>>>        GTSpotter spotterExtendingMethods
>>>>>> Behavior
>>>>>> - Class instance variables (spotterClassInstanceVariablesFor:)
>>>>>> - Composing traits (spotterCompositionFor:)
>>>>>> - Instance variables (spotterInstanceVariablesFor:)
>>>>>> - QA Critics (spotterQACriticsFor:)
>>>>>> - All subclasses (spotterSubclassesFor:)
>>>>>> - All superclasses (spotterSuperclassesFor:)
>>>>>> - Users (spotterTraitUsersFor:)
>>>>>> - Special Slots (spotterUsedSlotsFor:)
>>>>>> - Uses Traits (spotterUsedTraitsFor:)
>>>>>> Class
>>>>>> - Examples (gtSpotterGTExamplesFor:)
>>>>>> - Class methods (spotterClassMethodsFor:)
>>>>>> - Instance methods (spotterMethodsFor:)
>>>>>> - References (spotterReferenceFor:)
>>>>>> - Super class methods (spotterSuperClassMethodsFor:)
>>>>>> - Super instance methods (spotterSuperMethodsFor:)
>>>>>> ClassDescription
>>>>>> - Package (spotterPackageFor:)
>>>>>> Collection
>>>>>> - spotterItemsFor: (spotterItemsFor:)
>>>>>> CompiledMethod
>>>>>> - Bytecode (spotterForBytecodesFor:)
>>>>>> - Implementors (spotterForImplementorsFor:)
>>>>>> - Senders (spotterForSendersFor:)
>>>>>> - Class (spotterMethodClassFor:)
>>>>>> - QA Critics (spotterQACriticsFor:)
>>>>>> Dictionary
>>>>>> - Keys (spotterForKeysFor:)
>>>>>> FileReference
>>>>>> - Directories (spotterForDirectoriesFor:)
>>>>>> - Files (spotterForFilesFor:)
>>>>>> - Directories (spotterForZipDirectoriesFor:)
>>>>>> - Files (spotterForZipFilesFor:)
>>>>>> GTExample
>>>>>> - Example Dependencies (gtSpotterDependenciesFor:)
>>>>>> - Example Dependents (gtSpotterDependentsFor:)
>>>>>> - Example Provider (gtSpotterProviderFor:)
>>>>>> - Example Source (gtSpotterSourceFor:)
>>>>>> - Example Subjects (gtSpotterSubjectsFor:)
>>>>>> GTExampleFinder
>>>>>> - Examples (gtSpotterExamplesFor:)
>>>>>> GTExampleFinder class
>>>>>> - Examples (gtSpotterExamplesFor:)
>>>>>> GTExampleOrganizer
>>>>>> - Examples (gtSpotterGTExamplesFor:)
>>>>>> GTExampleProxy
>>>>>> - Example Dependencies (gtSpotterDependenciesFor:)
>>>>>> - Example Dependents (gtSpotterDependentsFor:)
>>>>>> GTInspector class
>>>>>> - Extensions (spotterExtensionsFor:)
>>>>>> GTSelectorImplementors
>>>>>> - Implementors (spotterImplementorsFor:)
>>>>>> - Senders (spotterSendersFor:)
>>>>>> GTSpotter
>>>>>> - Examples (gtSpotterExamplesFor:)
>>>>>> - Catalog Projects (spotterCatalogProjectsFor:)
>>>>>> - Clipboard History (spotterClipboardFor:)
>>>>>> - Methods (spotterConcreteMethodFor:)
>>>>>> - Dirty Monticello packages (spotterDirtyMonticelloPackagesFor:)
>>>>>> - Playground cached pages (spotterForCachedPlaygroundPagesFor:)
>>>>>> - Classes (spotterForClassesFor:)
>>>>>> - Directories (spotterForDirectoriesFor:)
>>>>>> - Calculator (spotterForExpressionsFor:)
>>>>>> - Files (spotterForFilesFor:)
>>>>>> - Global variables (spotterForGlobalVarsFor:)
>>>>>> - Help topics (spotterForHelpTopicFor:)
>>>>>> - Messages (spotterForMessagesFor:)
>>>>>> - Metacello Configurations (spotterForMetacelloConfigurationsFor:)
>>>>>> - Packages (spotterForPackagesFor:)
>>>>>> - Pragmas (spotterForPragmasFor:)
>>>>>> - References (spotterForReferencesFor:)
>>>>>> - Monticello Repositories (spotterForRepositoriesFor:)
>>>>>> - Senders (spotterForSendersFor:)
>>>>>> - spotterForStashedPlaygroundPagesFor: 
>>>>>> (spotterForStashedPlaygroundPagesFor:)
>>>>>> - History (spotterHistoryFor:)
>>>>>> - Implementors (spotterImplementorsFor:)
>>>>>> - ws.stfx.eu (spotterStfxFor:)
>>>>>> - Menu (spotterWorldMenuFor:)
>>>>>> GTSpotter class
>>>>>> - Extensions (spotterExtensionsFor:)
>>>>>> GTSpotterExceptionMock1
>>>>>> - mockProcessorFor: (mockProcessorFor:)
>>>>>> GTSpotterExceptionMock2
>>>>>> - mockProcessorFor: (mockProcessorFor:)
>>>>>> GTSpotterExceptionMock3
>>>>>> - mockProcessorFor: (mockProcessorFor:)
>>>>>> GTSpotterExceptionMock4
>>>>>> - mockProcessorFor: (mockProcessorFor:)
>>>>>> GTSpotterExceptionMock5
>>>>>> - mockProcessorFor: (mockProcessorFor:)
>>>>>> GlobalVariable
>>>>>> - Class (spotterClassFor:)
>>>>>> - References (spotterForReferencesFor:)
>>>>>> HelpTopic
>>>>>> - Help contents (spotterForHelpTopicFor:)
>>>>>> KMDispatcher
>>>>>> - Keys (spotterForKeysFor:)
>>>>>> MCPackage
>>>>>> - Packages (spotterForPackageFor:)
>>>>>> - Monticello Working Copy (spotterMonticelloWorkingCopyFor:)
>>>>>> MCVersionInfo
>>>>>> - Ancestors (spotterAncestorsFor:)
>>>>>> MCWorkingCopy
>>>>>> - All other repositories (spotterAllRepositoriesFor:)
>>>>>> - Ancestors (spotterAncestorsFor:)
>>>>>> - Monticello Package (spotterMonticelloPackageFor:)
>>>>>> - Packages (spotterPackageFor:)
>>>>>> - Package repositories (spotterPackageRepositoriesFor:)
>>>>>> MenuItemMorph
>>>>>> - spotterItemsFor: (spotterItemsFor:)
>>>>>> MenuMorph
>>>>>> - Items (spotterItemsFor:)
>>>>>> MetacelloAbstractPackageSpec
>>>>>> - Includes (spotterForIncludesFor:)
>>>>>> - Requires (spotterForRequiresFor:)
>>>>>> MetacelloProject
>>>>>> - Versions (spotterForVersionsFor:)
>>>>>> MetacelloVersion
>>>>>> - Groups (spotterForGroupsFor:)
>>>>>> - Packages (spotterForPackagesFor:)
>>>>>> Morph
>>>>>> - spotterForKeysFor: (spotterForKeysFor:)
>>>>>> - Submorphs (spotterForSubmorphsFor:)
>>>>>> PragmaType
>>>>>> - Pragmas (spotterPragmasFor:)
>>>>>> - Senders (spotterSendersFor:)
>>>>>> RPackage
>>>>>> - Classes (spotterClassesFor:)
>>>>>> - Extension Methods (spotterExtensionMethodsFor:)
>>>>>> - Monticello Package (spotterMonticelloPackageFor:)
>>>>>> - Monticello Working Copy (spotterMonticelloWorkingCopyFor:)
>>>>>> - Tags (spotterTagsFor:)
>>>>>> RPackageTag
>>>>>> - Classes (spotterClassesFor:)
>>>>>> SettingNode
>>>>>> - Children (spotterForSettingsFor:)
>>>>>> SettingTree
>>>>>> - Settings (spotterForSettingsFor:)
>>>>>> Slot
>>>>>> - Accesses (spotterAccessesFor:)
>>>>>> Trait
>>>>>> - Examples (gtSpotterGTExamplesFor:)
>>>>>> - Class methods (spotterClassMethodsFor:)
>>>>>> - Instance methods (spotterMethodsFor:)
>>>>>> - References (spotterReferenceFor:)
>>>>>> - Super class methods (spotterSuperClassMethodsFor:)
>>>>>> - Super instance methods (spotterSuperMethodsFor:)
>>>>>> TraitBehavior
>>>>>> - Class instance variables (spotterClassInstanceVariablesFor:)
>>>>>> - Composing traits (spotterCompositionFor:)
>>>>>> - Instance variables (spotterInstanceVariablesFor:)
>>>>>> - QA Critics (spotterQACriticsFor:)
>>>>>> - All subclasses (spotterSubclassesFor:)
>>>>>> - All superclasses (spotterSuperclassesFor:)
>>>>>> - Users (spotterTraitUsersFor:)
>>>>>> - Special Slots (spotterUsedSlotsFor:)
>>>>>> - Uses Traits (spotterUsedTraitsFor:)
>>>>>> TraitDescription
>>>>>> - Package (spotterPackageFor:)
>>>>> --
>>>>> www.tudorgirba.com
>>>>> www.feenk.com
>>>>> "Reasonable is what we are accustomed with."
>>> --
>>> www.tudorgirba.com
>>> www.feenk.com
>>> "Quality cannot be an afterthought."
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> www.feenk.com
> “Live like you mean it."

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