On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 2:26 PM, Nicolai Hess <nicolaih...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2016-02-23 18:58 GMT+01:00 Eliot Miranda <eliot.mira...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi Nicolai,
>> On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 7:37 AM, Nicolai Hess <nicolaih...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> 2015-11-20 22:57 GMT+01:00 Eliot Miranda <eliot.mira...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi Nicolai,
>>>> On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 1:37 PM, Nicolai Hess <nicolaih...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> GTDummyExamples class
>>>>> d: anInteger
>>>>>     <gtExample>
>>>>>     <label: 'Dummy #d:, depends #c:'>
>>>>>     <description: 'should raise an exception as the argument is not
>>>>> anInteger'>
>>>>>     <depends: #c:>
>>>>>     <raises: Literal constant expected -> MessageNotUnderstood>
>>>>>     ^ 1 + anInteger
>>>>> The old Parser complains about the class name "MessageNotUnderstood"
>>>>> used as a pragma
>>>>> argument without being a string or symbol
>>>>> Opal does not complain
>>>>> Is Opals behavior intended ?
>>>> IMO no.  The pragma design is that the only valid syntax is of a
>>>> message pattern with only literal arguments except for the one piece of
>>>> syntactic sugar where the error temporary name in a primitive call with an
>>>> error can be given as an identifier, e.g.
>>> But this means smalltalks scanner and parser needs some very special
>>> handling just for this pragma.
>> It turns out to be not that bad.  because all the pragmas with error
>> codes are associated with methods that have primitives (either a numbered
>> primitive or a named primitive from a plaugin) the parser has to handle
>> them specially anyway.  So here's what the code looks like in Squeak's
>> compiler:
>> Parser class>>primitivePragmaSelectors
>> "Answer the selectors of pragmas that specify VM primitives.
>> Needed for compile and decomple."
>> ^#(primitive:
>> primitive:error:
>> primitive:error:module:
>> primitive:module:
>> primitive:module:error:)
>> and then for each of those there's a method such as
>> Parser>>primitive: aNameString module: aModuleStringOrNil error:
>> errorCodeVariableOrNil
>> "Create named primitive with optional error code."
>> (aNameString isString and: [ aModuleStringOrNil isNil or: [
>> aModuleStringOrNil isString ] ])
>> ifFalse: [ ^ self expected: 'Named primitive' ].
>> self allocateLiteral: (Array
>> with: (aModuleStringOrNil isNil
>> ifFalse: [ aModuleStringOrNil asSymbol ])
>> with: aNameString asSymbol
>> with: 0 with: 0).
>> errorCodeVariableOrNil ifNotNil:
>> [encoder floatTemp: (encoder bindTemp: errorCodeVariableOrNil) nowHasDef].
>> ^117
>> that answers the number of the primitive for the method.  So there are
>> three methods that contain "errorCodeVariableOrNil ifNotNil: [encoder
>> floatTemp: (encoder bindTemp: errorCodeVariableOrNil) nowHasDef]" to
>> declare the error temp.  I think that's acceptable.  What do you think?
> Hi Eliot,
> Yes, thats fine, but this part of the parser is independent from how we
> use the pragma
> For
>  <primitive:'func' module:'lib' error:#errorCode>
> or
>  <primitive:'func' module:'lib' error:errorCode>
> or
>  <primitive:'func' module:'lib' error:'errorCode'>
> the code generation is always the same.
> But for getting
>  <primitive:'func' module:'lib' error:errorCode>
> as valid code, we have to use another special code in
> Parser>>#pragmaLiteral: selectorSoFar
> "This nicety allows one to supply a primitive error
>      temp as a variable name, rather than a string."
>     ((selectorSoFar beginsWith: 'primitive:')
>      and: [(selectorSoFar endsWith: 'error:')
>      and: [hereType == #word]]) ifTrue:
>         [^self advance].
> without this extra check,
>  <primitive:'func' module:'lib' error:errorCode>
> would raise an error
> 'Literal constant expected'

Yes, good point.

> In pharo, opal compilers parser accepts both, errorCode without quote or #
> and class names.
>  <primitive:'func' module:'lib' error:errorCode>  - valid
>  <someotherpragma keyword:Point>  - valid too
> If I change opals parser to not allow the second pragma, I need some
> special handlign
> for the primitive:module:error: pragma - I don't like this.
> Is there any difference between
>  <primitive:'func' module:'lib' error:errorCode>
> and
>  <primitive:'func' module:'lib' error:'errorCode'>
> both will generate the same code, right?

Right, they produce the same code.

>>> Scanner and/or parser explicit check for the name
>>> <primitive: ....>
>>> of the pragma of this error var.
>> Right, which is why it is simple to handle.
>>>> addressField
>>>> <primitive: 'primAddressField' module: 'IA32ABI' error: errorCode>
>>>> ^self primitiveFailed
>>>> instead of
>>>> addressField
>>>> <primitive: 'primAddressField' module: 'IA32ABI' error: 'errorCode'>
>>>> ^self primitiveFailed
>>>> The issues are class reference, class redefinition, class removal etc.
>>>> I guess we could extend the pragma syntax to allow class references but
>>>> there's a lot of impact.  I would prefer if we keep things restricted.
>>>> There's nothing to stop one using a symbol and mapping it to a class name,
>>>> e.g.
>>>> GTDummyExamples class
>>>> d: anInteger
>>>>     <gtExample>
>>>>     <label: 'Dummy #d:, depends #c:'>
>>>>     <description: 'should raise an exception as the argument is not
>>>> anInteger'>
>>>>     <depends: #c:>
>>>>     <raises: #MessageNotUnderstood>
>>>>     ^ 1 + anInteger
>>>> Also, I *hate* this style of pragma.  Why not
>>>> GTDummyExamples class
>>>> d: anInteger
>>>>     <gtExampleLabel: 'Dummy #d:, depends #c:'
>>>>      description: 'should raise an exception as the argument is not
>>>> anInteger'
>>>>      depends: #c:
>>>>      raises: #MessageNotUnderstood>
>>>>     ^ 1 + anInteger
>>>> ?
>>>> That's how the system is designed to be used.  Then the message can be
>>>> implemented by a builder which performs the selector from a visitor.
>>>> From squeaks bugtracker : http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=7770
>>>>> Cascading message sends to super.
>>>>> Compiler refuses to compile
>>>>> super
>>>>>     initialize;
>>>>>     setListProperties
>>>>> It looks like Opal would compile this to
>>>>> super initialize.
>>>>> super setListProperties.
>>>>> Intended ? Do we want to keep it?
>>>>> NBNativeCodeGen
>>>>> parseOptions: optionsArray
>>>>> uses association symbol -> block instead of block -> block
>>>>> for caseOf arguments.
>>>>> The old parser does not accept this.
>>>> --
>>>> _,,,^..^,,,_
>>>> best, Eliot
>> --
>> _,,,^..^,,,_
>> best, Eliot

best, Eliot

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