Nicolas Cellier wrote
> Isn't catching too wide an anti-pattern?

Just think of all the Exception subclasses which are *not* errors. This kind
of thing effectively disables them.

> 2016-03-30 13:33 GMT+02:00 Nicolai Hess <

> nicolaihess@

> >:
>> Please don't do this:
>> updateHeight
>>     "no need to care about height, when it's logic is not customized"
>>     self layout isHeightCustom ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
>>     [ self bounds: (self brickBounds withHeight: self customHeight) ]
>>         on: Exception
>>         do: [ "just skip and do nothing" ]
>> This makes debugging GLM/Brick ui/layout code with "self haltOnce"
>> impossible.
>> see
>> GLMBrickGeometryTrait>>#updateHeight
>> GLMBrickGeometryTrait>>#updateWidth
>> And if you log out the raised exception, you see some calls to
>> not initialized fonts and a ZeroDevide and some more errors.
>> The above catch, catches and hides wrong / to late initialized objects.

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