Le 2/4/16 17:31, Aliaksei Syrel a écrit :

You don't want to draw a shape, you configure it. Shape can not be drawn, it is not an AthensPath.

cell shape: (BlShape new
  path: BlCirclePath new;
  strokePaint: (BlStrokePaint new
     paint: Color blue;
     width: 1)).
cell extent: 50@50.

But this is not what I want! As I mentioned in a mail that was sent but never arrived.
I want a square and this is why I did

    super initialize.
            (BlShape new
                fillPaint: (BlColorPaint new color: (Color yellow));
                path: BlRectanglePath new);
        extent: self extent

then I want to draw something extra this is why I overrode drawOnAthensCanvas: aCanvas

Now I stop but I find bloc too complex.

Sorry but I cannot lose time like that and just get frustrated at the end.
I will use the athens canvas directly and stay in morph for now.


On Apr 2, 2016 4:57 PM, "stepharo" <steph...@free.fr <mailto:steph...@free.fr>> wrote:


    I want a square morph with a circle or a line at 45 degree inside
    Now I do not get it.

    I thought that I needed to specialize drawOnAthensCanvas: so I did

    BlCell >> drawOnAthensCanvas: aCanvas

        super drawOnAthensCanvas: aCanvas.
            drawShape: (BlShape new
                                       (BlStrokePaint new
                                            paint: (BlColorPaint new
    color: (Color blue));
                                              width: 15);
                                path: BlCirclePath new).

    Now I do not know how I can specify a shape size

    So I will use another API than drawShape:


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