How to make square element with filled circle inside:

1) Subclass BlElement -> BlCell
2) Override

    drawOnSpartaCanvas: aCanvas
    super drawOnSpartaCanvas: aCanvas.
    setShape: self localBounds;
    setStrokePaint: Color blue;

3) Override initialize to have circle shape:

    super initialize.
    self shapeDo: [ :aShape | aShape
    path: BlCirclePath new;
    fillPaint: Color red ].

4) Open cell in word

Easy :)

Except that I do not understand it.
I do not understand why I should do
setShape: self localBounds;

and why I should do shapeDo: in the initialize

This is totally unclear to me. So this means that I cannot program anything I want with it. Imagine I could not find anything simpler than a box with a circle drawn on it
and even with the solution I cannot understand it.

You see in Morphic this is simple: you have a drawOn: aCanvas method and you know how to draw: aCanvas
I do not get the interaction between the draw and the initialize.
This is totally unclear.

Now I tried and this code did not work in the build 26 so I tried with drawOnAthensCanvas: and it crashed.
So I stop.
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