BlElement >>drawStrokeOnAthensCanvas: aCanvas
    "Actually render stroke of a receiver on aCanvas in local bounds.
    Override to customize.
    aCanvas is an instance of AthensCanvas
    aCanvas must not be nil"
    | pathTransform strokePath strokeScaling strokeOffset |

    "fast exit if stroke has no width or it is transparent"
(self shape strokePaint width <= 0 or: [ self shape strokePaint isTransparent ])
        ifTrue: [ ^ self ].

    pathTransform := aCanvas pathTransform.
    strokePath := self shape path strokePathOn: aCanvas.
    strokeScaling := self shape path strokeScaling.
    strokeOffset := self shape path strokeOffset.

    pathTransform restoreAfter:[
        pathTransform translateBy: strokeOffset * strokeScaling.
        pathTransform scaleBy: strokeScaling.
            setPaint: self shape strokePaint;
            drawShape: strokePath ]

BlElement >>drawFillOnAthensCanvas: aCanvas
    "Actually render fill of a receiver on aCanvas in local bounds.
    Override to customize.
    aCanvas is an instance of AthensCanvas
    aCanvas must not be nil"
    | pathTransform fillPath fillScaling fillOffset |
    pathTransform := aCanvas pathTransform.

    "fast exit if fill is transparent"
    (self shape fillPaint isTransparent)
        ifTrue: [ ^ self ].

    fillPath := self shape path fillPathOn: aCanvas.
    fillScaling := self shape path fillScaling.
    fillOffset := self shape path fillOffset.

    pathTransform restoreAfter: [
        pathTransform translateBy: fillOffset * fillScaling.
        pathTransform scaleBy: fillScaling.
            setPaint: self shape fillPaint;
            drawShape: fillPath ]

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