Hi Stef,

Which build/version are you using?

These methods are removed in the latest version.
You can download the latest version from the Moose CI. From the bloc
project you need the bleeding edge build.
The link to this version is here:


On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 5:17 PM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:

> BlElement >>drawStrokeOnAthensCanvas: aCanvas
>     "Actually render stroke of a receiver on aCanvas in local bounds.
>     Override to customize.
>     aCanvas is an instance of AthensCanvas
>     aCanvas must not be nil"
>     | pathTransform strokePath strokeScaling strokeOffset |
>     "fast exit if stroke has no width or it is transparent"
>     (self shape strokePaint width <= 0 or: [ self shape strokePaint
> isTransparent ])
>         ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
>     pathTransform := aCanvas pathTransform.
>     strokePath := self shape path strokePathOn: aCanvas.
>     strokeScaling := self shape path strokeScaling.
>     strokeOffset := self shape path strokeOffset.
>     pathTransform restoreAfter:[
>         pathTransform translateBy: strokeOffset * strokeScaling.
>         pathTransform scaleBy: strokeScaling.
>         aCanvas
>             setPaint: self shape strokePaint;
>             drawShape: strokePath ]
> BlElement >>drawFillOnAthensCanvas: aCanvas
>     "Actually render fill of a receiver on aCanvas in local bounds.
>     Override to customize.
>     aCanvas is an instance of AthensCanvas
>     aCanvas must not be nil"
>     | pathTransform fillPath fillScaling fillOffset |
>     pathTransform := aCanvas pathTransform.
>     "fast exit if fill is transparent"
>     (self shape fillPaint isTransparent)
>         ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
>     fillPath := self shape path fillPathOn: aCanvas.
>     fillScaling := self shape path fillScaling.
>     fillOffset := self shape path fillOffset.
>     pathTransform restoreAfter: [
>         pathTransform translateBy: fillOffset * fillScaling.
>         pathTransform scaleBy: fillScaling.
>         aCanvas
>             setPaint: self shape fillPaint;
>             drawShape: fillPath ]

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