On 06-04-16 10:36, Nicolai Hess wrote:
In what use cases is this a problem ? (Paragraph and DisplayScanner have good support for justified text (left / right / center), indentation wrapping and (I don't know if this works in pharo anymore but squeak had) even filling text in arbitary shaped polygons ( that was pretty cool). And even for text of different size and with different emphasis.

|t1 t2 ball page|
page := Morph new.
page bounds: (100@100 corner: 300@300).
page color: Color gray.
t1 := TextMorph new.
t1 autoFit:false.
t1 bounds: (105@105 corner: 195@295).
t1 backgroundColor: Color white.
t1 occlusionsOnOff.
page addMorph: t1.
t2 := TextMorph new.
t2 autoFit: false.
t2 bounds: (205@105 corner: 295@295).
t2 backgroundColor: Color white.
t2 occlusionsOnOff.
page addMorph: t2.
t1 setSuccessor: t2.
t2 setPredecessor: t1.
ball := CircleMorph new.
ball bounds: (160@160 corner: 240@240).
page addMorph: ball.
page openInWorld

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