The way I see it is that pathString can be anything that understands 
asFileReference. This means:
- FileReference
- Path
- String


> On Apr 19, 2016, at 2:54 PM, stepharo <> wrote:
> unzip: fullFileName to: pathString
>    "Unzip the contents of the file specified by the full path name 
> fullFileName to the location given by pathString."
> so we would expect to pass a string in the second argument?
> the unique sender of it in the system
> unzip: fullFileName
>    "Unzip the contents of a gzipped file specified by its full file name to 
> the current working directory"
>    ^ self unzip: fullFileName to: FileSystem disk workingDirectory
> but the implementation seems to indicate that fullFileName is should be a 
> string as well as pathString
> unzip: fullFileName to: pathString
>    "Unzip the contents of the file specified by the full path name 
> fullFileName to the location given by pathString."
>    | zipped buffer unzipped newName |
>    newName := fullFileName copyUpToLast: FileSystem disk extensionDelimiter.
>    pathString asFileReference ensureCreateDirectory.
>    unzipped := FileStream newFileNamed: (pathString asFileReference / 
> newName) fullName.
>    unzipped ifNil: [self error: pathString, ' looks incorrect'].
>    [ unzipped binary.
>    zipped := self on: (FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: fullFileName).
>    buffer := ByteArray new: 50000.
>    [zipped atEnd] whileFalse: [unzipped nextPutAll: (zipped nextInto: 
> buffer)]]
>        ensure: [
>            zipped close.
>            unzipped close].
>    ^ newName
> Am I correct to think that the comments are not really good enough?
> Stef


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