
This is really well done !

This should be used as an example on how to use Spec for something real. 

What I am missing in the UI is some indication of the path that leads to the 
current selected file. Right now, I am wondering where exactly I am, I feel a 
bit lost (this is of course from the technical standpoint of a path in a tree). 
This could be done with a popup, a trail, a pop-over.

We should have some more discussions about this, it could make a great addition 
to Pharo.


> On 11 Jun 2016, at 02:45, Peter Uhnák <> wrote:
> Hi,
> last week I stitched together a simple file dialog replacement and today I 
> managed to somewhat finish it.
> There is still a lot to be desired, but right now it supports things that 
> were the most pain for me:
> * list of most common places (home, root, image directory, temp)
> * custom bookmarks by dragging folders from file-pane to bookmark-pane
> * toggle hidden files (right-click on file listing)
> * preset file name
> * filtering files by extensions or patterns and toggling between filters
> * synchronous and asynchronous mode
> <file-dialog-3.png>
> ​
> You can use it independently of Pharo's native dialogs
> FDOpenFileDialog new
>       extensionFilters:
>               {'STON files' -> #(ston).
>               'All files' -> #()};
>       defaultFolder: FileLocator imageDirectory asFileReference;
>       openModal
> Or if you feel brave, I have an extended UIManager that will use this…, and 
> then you can use regular manager commands
> UIManager default chooseFileMatching: #('*.ston')
> but you can always go back
> FDMorphicUIManager new beDefault. "use new dialogs"
> MorphicUIManager new beDefault. "use old dialogs"
> and of course the installation itself (I'll add it to catalog soon after I 
> find a way to autogenerate configurations from git tags)
> Metacello new
>     baseline: 'FileDialog';
>     repository: 'github://peteruhnak/file-dialog/repository';
>     load.
> More info and docs on GitHub
> Any comments/feedback/bug reports is appreciated.
> Peter

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