I glad to finally release new version of Seamless (0.8.2). It could be loaded by:
Gofer it smalltalkhubUser: 'Pharo' project: 'Seamless'; configuration; loadStable. It works in Pharo 5 and 6. It is complete redesign of original version with the goal to make it more flexible, reliable and simple. (original version was created by Nikolaos Papoulias) Seamless is foundation for RemoteDebuggingTools. It allows reuse existing debugger to work with remote process by transparent network communication. Particularly new version provides required flexibility to reduce number of requests between distributed objects. No debugger changes was needed to make it work relatively fast with remote model. For more details look at my blog <http://dionisiydk.blogspot.fr/2016/07/major-seamless-update.html> and read docs: Seamless <https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/view/Books/job/PharoBookWorkInProgress/lastBuild/artifact/book-result/Seamless/Seamless.pdf> and Basys <https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/view/Books/job/PharoBookWorkInProgress/lastBuild/artifact/book-result/BasysNetwork/BasysNetwork.pdf> As usual feedback is welcome. Best regards, Denis