Actually you can , there was even a tool for Pharo that uses the github api
to do most common git actions, github api does not need git installed
because it does everything online. Alternatively you can use GitHub web GUI
, you will have to be added to the repo as contributor though to have the
required permissions to do commits, push and pulls , it should work also
for pull requests . In the case of a pull request you won't need to be a
contributor to the repo but you will have to fork it. Of course you can do
that via github api, it's actually very powerful.

You need git installed only to version control locally on your hard drive.
But if you are fine with working online , the github api should be enough.
You can learn more about it in the github website at the help section.
On Fri, 22 Jul 2016 at 06:57, Ben Coman <> wrote:

> I'm not sure what the roadmap is for git integration, but just a use case
> that occurs to me while I work "a bit with git" for the first time from
> Pharo.
> I install a project via a Baseline from git and makes a small improvement.
> What is the easiest way to contribute back?  I can't push back to the
> personal repo I downloaded from, so the easiest thing would be a single
> menu item to:
> 1. Fork original repository
> 2. Push current in-Image code to a new branch in that fork.
> Maybe even...
> 3. Issue a pull request to the original repository.
> cheers -ben

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