> On 07/21/2016 08:40 PM, Ben Coman wrote:
>> Just a general observation and first impression of installing a github
>> hosted project.
>> After installing OSSubprocess from the Catalog Browser on Pharo 50760,
>> which uses repository...
>>    github://marianopeck/OSSubProcess:v0.2.4/repository
>> ...I see file
>> "github--marianopeckOSSubprocessv0241266307023333901887488330764830.zip"
>> sitting next to my .image file.  That would seem to dirty up that area
>> when I start to use git more often.  I'd expect that file to be placed in
>> one of the cache folders.
>> cheers -ben

On Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 1:38 AM, Dale Henrichs
<dale.henri...@gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
> Ben,
> I think I've found the bug ... Metacello intends that the zip file be
> downloaded to /tmp, but the code as implemented 3 years ago for Pharo was
> not actually downloading the file to /tmp ... thanks for pointing this out,
> I've created a Metacello issue for this[1] ... I will probably fix this
> shortly, but I'm not sure when (or if) my fix will be integrated into the
> Pharo-5.0 release.

Cool. Thanks Dale.  I created issues for Pharo 5 & 6 to track this our end.

cheers -ben

P.S.@All  curious why "Area=divers" for "Project=Metacello"

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