2016-07-29 10:20 GMT+02:00 Denis Kudriashov <dionisi...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Norbert.
> 2016-07-19 16:11 GMT+02:00 Denis Kudriashov <dionisi...@gmail.com>:
>> I see big room for optimizations here.
>> Look at very small unit of communication: delivering integer result (from
>> [1+2] evaluation). Following object is responsible for this:
>> request := SeamlessDeliverResultRequest result:
>> (SeamlessReturnValueResult with: 3) to: (SeamlessRequestContextReference
>> id: 4 peerId: UUID new) .
>> stream := ByteArray new writeStream.
>> FLSerializer newDefault serialize: request on: stream.
>> bytes := stream contents.
>> bytes size. "==> 412"
>> (ObjectTraveler on: request ) countReferences  "==>10"
>> Last line shows that only 10 objects consists full object graph of
>> request. And Fuel serialization takes for it 412 bytes.
>> It definitely could be improved with specialized serialization protocol.
>> Also it could allow object traversal once which will lead to another
>> performance improvements.
> I start implement optimized protocol and I got really nice results. I
> reduce size of packet in my example to 16 bytes. I not measure performance
> yet but it should be better too. Also new protocol will allow application
> specific optimisations.
> So soon we will have really usable tools for your case with slow network.


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