Looks like a leading " turns off highlighting as well ... and the highlighting is turned off in the expression(s) *BEFORE* the syntax error which is not very useful ... I may not notice that the syntax highlighting has turned off until I have typed quite a few a characters and with the whole block white I cannot find the starting point of the error ... was it the leading " or an accidental [ ... I find myself having to parse Smalltalk code again ... something I haven't had to do for years (maybe even decades) :)


On 8/7/16 4:57 PM, Dale Henrichs wrote:
when I make certain syntax errors while editting a method the syntax highlighting goes all white on me ... I seem to recall that in the past the syntax highlighter would start showing red at the point of the syntax error ... and in this case the whole method is white and I have to guess where my error was --- attached a png --- I used to be able to depend upon the syntax highlighter to not only catch the syntax error (turning white indicates that the highlighter knows I made a booboo) but show me the point at which things stopped making sense ... ummatched brackets is pretty common and I would recognize that the brackets were mis-matched in the past ... now the whole thing goes white and I have to work much harder ...


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