Additionally I would like to see:

- investigation in the Win Pharo VM for being able to run again as a Windows Service (as it was possible for Squeak) to be able to easily provide, deploy and administrate a web
    app on Windows
Definitively. Thanks for mentionning it. It will be done by PharoPro :)

  - image size management under control (as Philip already suggested)

  - better support for REST based systems (as Philip already suggested)
Can you be clearer? Because I thought that Seaside-REST was good and you can apply to non Seaside Application.
Then there is Teapot.
As Pharo core I do not see why Zinc is not enough. Now fr Pharo Pro I could see.

- modern "Material style" UI (as Philip already suggested) but additionally with
    better out of the box Spec support and examples for regular widgets
(Accordion, draggable Toolbars, calendar widget, date/time picker, ...)

  - clear rules to not accept undocumented classes/packages in the image
And a clear separation in packages between CORE/BASE stuff and TESTS on top.

Tests are already separated. Do you have some places where this is not the case?
Because TEST are usually only for development and for production/deployment of an app
    TESTS usually should be thrown out.

Christmas list would include:
  - 64 Bit support
This is not a christmas list. It should be threr for September.

  - an out of the box Pharo Pi VM + image on the website


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