2016-08-31 17:31 GMT+02:00 John Brant <br...@refactoryworkers.com>:

> On 08/31/2016 08:46 AM, Nicolai Hess wrote:
> Anyone knows why RefactoringBrowsers smalltalk scanner (RBScanner)
>> explicit allowes
>>   "#($± $· $× $÷)" to be binary selector characters ?
> I do -- I added them about 20 years ago :)...
> Is there any smalltalk dialect that uses these characters ?
> VW allows them. When possible, we made the scanner/parser be a superset of
> the VW & VA syntax.
> John Brant
Thank you John, for the info.
Hm, now, what to do, fix our (pharo) parser to allowe these characters as
binary selectors or change the scanner to not
generate binary selector tokens for them...

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