I'm a bit biased on this. IMHO this simplification in the #printString (which I quite like BTW!) is only applicable to Files in DiskFileSystem.

If you have a FileReference on a non disk filesystem (e.g.

        fr1 := FileSystem memory root / 'folder' / 'test.txt'.

on use this simplified #printString you'll end up with

        '/folder/test.txt' asFileReference.

This might be confusing as this does not mention the filesystem. So you might end up creating a new instance via

        fr2 := '/folder/test.txt' asFileReference.

which is not equal to the original fileRef:

        fr1 = fr2 "false"

As I do like the #printString simplification ... why not simply adopt a URI style scheme for FileReferences. This would allow encoding the filesystem type (e.g. file://, memory://, zip://, s3://) including parameters like host if needed and of course the path.



On 04/09/16 09:47, stepharo wrote:
It is raining and I will do it :)


Le 4/9/16 à 02:38, monty a écrit :

Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2016 at 10:39 AM
From: stepharo <steph...@free.fr>
To: "Pharo Development List"
Subject: [Pharo-dev] About file printOn: method


I will implement the following because this is too annoying.


'tmp/foo.txt' asFileReference
File @ tmp/foo.txt

and it would be much much better to get back
'tmp/foo.txt' asFileReference

So that we can get
{ 'tmp/foo.txt' asFileReference }
  > { 'tmp/foo.txt' asFileReference }

and not
   "an Array(File @ tmp/foo.txt)"

In addition we should turn the current printOn: method into a
displayString method so that
a list of fileReference can be well display with File @ tmp/foo.txt for


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