On Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 4:37 AM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:

> o this is what I was trying to get done.
>> I do not know if what you propose (which can be better than what I was
>>> planning) requires to change fileSystem, my goal was not to change for
>>> now but just make sure that I can get cheaply file to print themselves
>>> into kind of objects I can manipulate again.
>>> Now if what you propose is better, then first we should introduce a
>>> logic to handle :file :memory
>>> And I'm not against so plese push it but this is outside of my little
>>> goal for now.
>> You're right. Your solution is much simpler - therefore I'd go with your
>> solution for now.
>> would be nice. Push this idea. Once the community agrees then we can
>>> easily extend the printOn: behavior.
>> I'll try to work through the FS code and see if I can get the stuff I'm
>> thinking about implemented.
> Please :)
> I like the idea of URI for everything

Do you mean a URI represented as a String or as a URI object? I expect the
former since ultimately
pintOn: is called by printString, but I wanted to be clear?

cheers -ben

>> Did you watch the excellent talk of marcus at ESUG?
>>> Because I think incrementally
>> One of the first videos/slidedecks I watched - the title made me curious.
>> My key take-away is that it's better to implement the
>> cheap/simple/non-perfect enhancement now than never (too late) the perfect
>> one.
> :)

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