
Can someone who really knows/understand please describe where to find the 
necessary Pharo VM's to run on the newly released macOS Sierra (10.12) ?

In particular it seems old VM's just stop working and recent VM's that do work 
either have issues or cannot run older (3.0, 4.0) images.



PS: I have not yet upgraded, but one of my colleagues did and he got stuck: 
even after we found a VM that worked, it could only run 5.0 images, not his 
production 4.0 images. Needless to say, this is not good.

PS2: Another really annoying problem is the following: he saved all his (really 
important) scripts using Script Manager as a FUEL. Moving between 4.0 and 5.0 
FUEL stops working (version incompatibility) - this is really not cool, why 
would a newer FUEL not be able to read older FUEL. He ended up copying string 
data by opening the binary FUEL file in a text editor. 

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