Hi Kilon,

2016-10-22 9:52 GMT+02:00 Dimitris Chloupis <kilon.al...@gmail.com>:

> Actually we dont, I am using the terminal to get and build my own images.
> Curl + use of startup scripts are more than enough. Simply , easy and
> straightforward. Pharo offers a super easy way to export any method as a
> command line argument. So there is literally no excuse.
> Pharo already offers a metacello argument so you are set to go on
> installing anything you want through the terminal in your image and also
> offers evaluation of smalltalk code as argument. But I prefer startup
> scripts, I have made a startup script that can detect the name of images
> and install different packages to them, you can do insane things with
> startup scripts actually.

Yes, that looks pretty cool.

I still stick with Makefiles and command line Pharo to build images, in
part because when I run different projects, I can store inside the git of
the project (i.e. version them) both the squeleton of the build environment
and all the build instructions, instead of having to put a project-specific
startup script inside a settings directory shared among all projects.

But I certainly see the value of running the startup scripts in the image
in interactive mode, where it becomes a lot easier to debug them.

While running them on the command line is convenient too (make build,
switch to email, reply, come back when the build is done).

> you can find my build setup here
> https://github.com/kilon/makePharo

I'll keep it in mind, thanks!


> On Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 10:06 AM p...@highoctane.be <p...@highoctane.be>
> wrote:
>> We need some easy to use gem-style installer on the command line.
>> Pharo is perfectly usable for any kind of project provided energy is
>> poured in.
>> Things are in flux, yes, and it is frustrating not to have it all
>> perfect. So what? If we weren't interested in wild things why would we be
>> here after all?
>> Think long term: 10 years from now, improvements will have been massively
>> compounding (not to mention 20).
>> I hope to have a huge win with Pharo business wise and be able to fund a
>> serious team. That's my dream. I am actively working on it.
>> Pharo can stay relevant for that long I believe. I love the way it helps
>> me think. I love the fact that I can look everywhere I want. I love the
>> fact that this community has balls. I love to show the magic we can do with
>> it. If it all goes nowhere, I do not even mind as I have a damn awesome
>> time around here.
>> Now, I also want a working text model. This feels like a kind of
>> psychological roadblock. Like a self sabotage. Let's put that dead rat on
>> the table and make something about it.
>> I like Doru's Pillar editor. I guess the underlying engine will evolve to
>> make it faster. Great. Grafoscopio will also be a driving force there I
>> believe. Pharo can be superspeedy, no core problem.
>> Sorry for the rant.
>> Now back to promoting Pharo in front of Android/Angular/Java people this
>> afternoon at http://devfest.be (note that this is the 3rd time I show
>> Pharo/Amber there - they could kick me out but do not).
>> /Phil
>> On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 8:12 PM, Dimitris Chloupis <kilon.al...@gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>> Actually you are wrong, its not hard to use C libraries from Pharo. UFFI
>> is not a restart, its a continuation of Nativeboost , they are very
>> similar.
>> Pharo FFI, whether its the old FFI, Alien, Nativeboost or UFFI, is more
>> or less the same. In the end an FFI is defined by C syntax , Pharo UFFI
>> borrows the easy of use of Nativeboost that allows you to take c functions
>> definition and use them as they are with a simple copy paste.
>> Pharo is also is based on very good integration with C , like Squeak can
>> output its code as C code via the Slang interface though it comes with some
>> limitations.
>> The availability of C libraries to Pharo is a reflection of the community
>> size. Comparing with Ruby is very unfair , as Ruby is vastly more popular
>> (think in thousand times) , hence why you see so many C libraries wrapped
>> for Ruby. Of course python kicks Ruby ass kung fu style with its vastly
>> superior array of C wrapped libraries.
>> The moment you decide to use an unpopular language as Pharo then if you
>> are not prepared to get your hands dirty and you expect things on your
>> plate like Ruby or Python , then its time to go back to Ruby or Python.
>> Pharo is not in flux , its evolving, every new tool or library you see is
>> an evolution of something else.
>> We dont need Gems for Pharo, Dale has done a great job with Metacello,
>> its easy to make a pharo project in git/github and have it install all
>> pharo code and built C libraries wrapped for Pharo. Just because people are
>> not in the habit of doing this does not mean its not super easy to be done.
>> For example AFAIK my project ChronosManager was one of the first project to
>> install from Catalog Browser not only its Pharo code but also , pngs and
>> audio files. I made even an autoupdate feature that pings my github repo to
>> see if there are any new commits and then if so it alerts the user and give
>> him the ability to download the update with a single click. All that is
>> metacello.
>> Metacello is probably one of the best if not the best package
>> distribution systems out there. Definetly vastly better than Python's PyPi
>> and Node'js NPM . I cannot praise it enough and I have no problem
>> criticising Pharo when I must. Dale has done an amazing job, period.
>> On the GUI front on the other hand, its messy, no doubt about it. Morphic
>> is huge, ugly and almost not maintained. Bloc is probably going to be the
>> next step.
>> I think the issue here is that we dont have Arduino or Raspberry Pi guys.
>> Same story for my field, 3d graphics. There is a OpenGL wrapper and the
>> Wodden graphics engine and nothing else. I and the author of Woden are the
>> only people here interested into 3d graphics, he makes Woden, I have made a
>> bridge with Blender Python , for using Pharo to make Blender addons and I
>> am now in the process of making a bridge with Unreal Engine.
>> I dont see why you would have an issue using Pharo from Raspberry Pi, we
>> already support SDL and you can even run Pharo with no GUI from the
>> terminal and export any Pharo method as a command line argument. My Python
>> socket bridge also showed me that is dead easy to connect Pharo with other
>> programming languages, in my case python , with just a few hundred lines of
>> code. Typical IPC.
>> So there are no excuses for not using Pharo, from there on, it depends on
>> your specific needs and wants and taste.
>> On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 7:05 PM Todd Blanchard <tblanch...@mac.com>
>> wrote:
>> On Oct 21, 2016, at 07:30, Norbert Hartl <norb...@hartl.name> wrote:
>> The current (!) complaint is rather based on the fact that everything
>> regarding the graphics backend, widget and tools appears sometimes as an
>> indefinite loop of reinventing stuff and improving and never get the job
>> done. Did I mention 64bit, UFFI,… I'm glad all these topics are worked one
>> and I see a bright future if half of them are done. But then sometimes it
>> looks rather dark and the light at the end of the tunnel just went off :)
>> I feel you.
>> I very much want to use Pharo to build devices from things like Raspberry
>> Pi's, iPhones, and Androids.  I need access to native libraries.  You can't
>> rewrite everything ever in Smalltalk and I don't really see a good reason
>> to.
>> I've taken about ten years off from doing Smalltalk and I'm trying to get
>> back into it.  My interest is piqued because I want to build nice custom
>> systems using the nifty new cheap goodies like Arduinos and RPis and it
>> seems tossing together a full screen Pharo image would be a great way to
>> build these appliances.  In that time the story for how to call out to
>> native code has changed...twice.  Everything is broken or in flux again.
>> To me, it doesn't feel like there's any more platform to build apps on
>> than there was ten years ago and everything is still "just around the
>> corner".  Pharo seem to be an experiment in building next generation
>> programming tools using deprecated last generation programming tools. I
>> don't see a lot of useful programs being built atop it - largely because
>> the base is constantly shifting about.
>> It is disheartening that the Ruby guys can crank out gems with native
>> libraries that compile and work on every platform and pharo is still
>> constantly half broken with loadable native code "doable" but only with
>> great effort.
>> I looked and Moz2D doesn't seem to have a light weight build for
>> Raspberry Pi.  Is hitching Pharo to a heavy weight graphics library as a
>> core requirement a good idea?
>> I'm starting to think maybe we need something like Gems for Pharo -
>> dynamically loadable libraries and resources - compiled at install if
>> necessary.

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