On 10/22/16 7:01 AM, Dimitris Chloupis wrote:
I really like STON , even more than I like JSON. Very readable and easy to edit format. Very good idea, I would probably something similar but less more elegant.
This is why I'm threatening to create MetacelloProjectLoadSpec ... not to be elegant but to save you the work of creating such a beast on your own ... I really think there can be great advantages to have a sharable and customizable load spec object ...

You probably know this, but if you host the ston configurations files as you do in that link , Github gives you the ability to directly read files from inside a git repo without having to download it via its blob directory. So one could keep those ston config files in a repo in git and have access to it from any computer , any OS, of course under the condition he/she is connected to internet.
I have collected a number of the TDProjectEntry objects up on the GsDevKit_home project on the gh-pages branch and I a variant of the load command that works with an url:

  project load --url=http://gsdevkit.github.io/GsDevKit_home/Metacello.ston

That directly downloads form web ... I put things on disk, so that the developer can download the official object to a known location on disk and then edit/customize the object for her own use.

Then build scripts will use the object from the directory by default and each image shares the same custom load specification object.

[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home/tree/gh-pages

This trick is what I used for checking whether there is a new version of my project ChronosManager in my git repo. I added the latest version in the RELEASENOTES text file that is located on the top level repo which it compares with its internal versions (just a class variable) and if it finds it bigger it alerts the user for an update.

Ah yes, it would be much more convenient to get the load specification object directly from the project itself ...


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