Hi Nicolas,
yes, i know. suppose you calc some financial thing and one intermediate result will be in $. you have to round this Fraction-result to 2 decimals. now you use this to further calc basepoints as the final result. you have to convert this to 3 decimals. looking at this final result with 2 decimals can be be irritating for a moment, if you debug the calcs. and <g> btw i never use scaledDecimals.

On 10/26/2016 02:06 PM, Nicolas Cellier wrote:

2016-10-26 13:11 GMT+02:00 test <wkass...@libello.com <mailto:wkass...@libello.com>>:

    Hi Nicolas,
    regarding rounding Fractions:
    i use fractions if i want to get an exact result (eg for comparing
    the result with Float calculations). if #round: returns a Float
    all further calcs (with Fractions) will get contaminated, since
    the rest will become Floats too. Hence the "asScaledDecimal:
    numberOfWishedDecimal" seems better to me, but i wonder why these
    transformations at the end are necessary at all? just for the
    looks? i'd suppose every person, who knows how to use Fractions,
    also knows how to append a #asScaledDecimal: to a result by
    himself, should he want that.

    taking as an example financial calcs that first use 2 decimals.
    occasionaly the final result will be basepoints, often small ones
    like 0.003. with scaledDecimals the result would be (ok, look
    like) 0 since scaledDecimals also contaminate the calc. of course
    one could correct this simply with an #asScaledDecimal:3 at the
    end. nevertheless a first look at the zero result would surprise
    me for a tenth of a second.

Hi Werner,
I don't know the purpose of round: at all.
Most often this kind of message was used before printing probably because lack of versatile formatted print messages. In Squeak I replaced most usages of roundTo: by printShowing(Max)DecimalPlaces:. Now if it has been added in Pharo and other languages, there must be some use cases I presume.
Maybe the analysis could be carried on these use cases?

Beware, converting a Fraction asScaledDecimal will NOT round.
Only the printString is rounded, but the number keeps its whole precision.
Example (1/3 asScaledDecimal: 1)*3 = 1.0s, not 0.9s.

ScaledDecimals as they are now are just Fraction with a different printString...
Not very much added value.


    On 10/26/2016 09:58 AM, Nicolas Cellier wrote:

    2016-10-26 9:14 GMT+02:00 stepharo <steph...@free.fr

        Hi nicolas

        So what is the solution? We can integrate fast a solution.
        I would really like to see them fix in Pharo 60.
        I'm writing a book for newbie and this is the third time I
        change one chapter
        so may be I should stop and throw away this chapter.

    1) for Fraction:

    round: numberOfWishedDecimal
        v := 10 raisedTo: numberOfWishedDecimal.
        ^ ((self * v) rounded / v) asFloat

    or just replace asFloat if you wish to remain exact:

    round: numberOfWishedDecimal
        v := 10 raisedTo: numberOfWishedDecimal.
        ^ ((self * v) rounded / v) asScaledDecimal: numberOfWishedDecimal

    2) for Float, it is in 15471:

    round: numberOfWishedDecimal
        | v maxNumberOfDecimals |
        maxNumberOfDecimals := self class precision - 1 - (self
    exponent max: self class emin).
        maxNumberOfDecimals < numberOfWishedDecimal ifTrue: [^self].
        v := 10 raisedTo: numberOfWishedDecimal.
        ^ ((self asFraction * v) rounded / v) asFloat

    or if Fraction already answers a Float:

    round: numberOfWishedDecimal
        | maxNumberOfDecimals |
        maxNumberOfDecimals := self class precision - 1 - (self
    exponent max: self class emin).
        maxNumberOfDecimals < numberOfWishedDecimal ifTrue: [^self].
        ^ self asFraction round: numberOfWishedDecimal

    It's slower than current implementation, but will round exactly
    to the nearest Float.
    It's possible to have faster implementation up to 22 decimals if
    you provide a fused-multiply-accumulate primitive...

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