Hello Ben,

About discussion points in 2 (a, b and c): I agree with your arguments...
somebody that just moved from Pharo 5 to 6 and crashed an image will look
for a "Recover lost changes" in the menu and can have a problem to discover
it the replacement in a World->Tools->Epicea->... entry.

Then, as a first step we could flatten the 2 menu entries and then at least
anybody will easily find an entry related to changes in World->Tools.

Second, we could try to merge both Epicea GUIs into one (suggestions are

I still have to read more in detail the remaining of your report to answer.
Anyway, thanks a lot for it.


On Sat, Oct 29, 2016 at 5:22 AM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:

> 1. Created fresh Pharo image (build 60269)
> 2. Opened World > Tools > Epicea > All changes
> Points for discussion...
>   a. How many submenu items are expected for Epicea? Can we push the
> current ones up so the Tools menu remains a flat menu.
>   b. Do we need the two current menu items?  "Current session" is
> encompassed by "All changes"?  What expectations do people have of how
> often they'll use the former rather than the latter?
>   c. When people move from Pharo 5 to Pharo 6 and in a panic want to
> "recover changes" for a crashed image, they'll be looking for that
> familiar feature name, not a new app name. Could the app name be left
> out or placed in brackets "Changes (Epicea)".
> btw, the interface looks really slick! nice work.
> 3. Opened World > System Browser.
> 4. Added package AAA
> All Changes window - no dynamic change.
> On <refresh>, still no change, i.e. no sessions
> #New All Changes window - not visible, no sessions.
> 5. Added class AA.
> All Changes window - no dynamic change.
> On <refresh>, shows new session with AAA & AA.
> 5. Added method...
>     AA>a
>        ^'something'
> Prompted for author, entered 'BenComan'
> All Changes window with session selected - dynamic update showing AA>>a.
> 6. Added package BBB.
> All Changes window - no dynamic update.
> On <refresh>, BBB still not visible in session.
> 7. Added class A to package AAA.
> All Changes window - dynamic update showing A.
> On <refresh>, BBB still not visible in session.
> 8. Added class BB to package BBB.
> All Changes window - dynamic update showing BBB & BB.
>   a. Package creation event seems not handled properly, being only
> pushed through when a class is created in it.
>   b. Since there is a dynamic update for class and method
> modifications, could the session creation also dynamically update it
> UI.
> -----------
> 9. Killed the vm from command line
>     $ ps -ef | grep pharo
>     $ kill 29349
>    Restarted Pharo image
> 10. World > Tools > Epica > All changes.
> Authorship is inconsistent:
> * AAA and AA have blank author
> * AA>>a, A, BBB, B have author 'BenComan'.
>  a. I understand this follows on from Author not being requested until
> the first method was defined. Did the old changes track the author of
> packages and classes at all?
>  b. Since Epicea can track package and class authors, can we trigger
> the author prompt earlier for them?
> 11. Selected all previous changes AAA, AA, AA>>a, A, BBB, BB
> and did <Apply Changes>.
> Prompted for author. Entered 'DrWho'
> Existing All Changes window - no change
> New All Changes window - shows new session with all six changes.
> Authorship is a little inconsistent:
> * AAA and AA have author 'Unknown'.
> * AA>>a, A, BBB, B have blank author.
> 12. Killed the vm from command line
>     $ ps -ef | grep pharo
>     $ kill 30696
>    Restarted Pharo image
> 13. World > Tools > Epica > All changes.
> Authorship is a little inconsistent:
> First session
> * AAA and AA have blank author
> * AA>>a, A, BBB, B have author 'BenComan'.
> Second session
> * AAA and AA have blank author
> * AA>>a, A, BBB, B have author 'DrWho'.
>  a. Epicea changes are reapplied as the current author.  This seems a
> semantic change from Pharo 5 where changes were reapplied as their
> original author. Is this accidental or by design?  Can we have some
> community discussion on this point (I don't remember seeing any)?
> cheers -ben
> P.S. I'll wait to see what arises out of discussion before creating any
> issues.

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