On Sat, Dec 24, 2016 at 2:46 AM, Martin Dias <tinchod...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ben, yes, please create the issues if you want, and I will try to implement
> them soon. I guess if they are mostly UI changes and categorized to "first
> impression count" or something like that, they can still be included in
> Pharo 6, no?
> One thing to discuss: what do you think about the fact that...
> - the "Session changes" displays the changes of multiple log files in the
> same list widget (silently concatenated), versus

Well the biggest thing is probably that I did not realise it did this.
So this is a problem for intuitive use of the tool. Actually it seems
adverse to show multiple sessions where "Session Changes" implies
"This Session".

> - the "All changes" way of displaying, where the changes of each log file
> are separated.
> That was my main reason to keep two windows by separate. I had the
> impression that in some cases
> - the user wants to see all changes together and he/she doesn't care in
> which log file the changes are written, while in other cases
> - the user wants to know the log files and see how are they connected,
> because they have some meaning
> What do you think of this?

You are right, that is useful feature. But I keep "intuitively
wanting**" to do this is to multi-select sessions in the "All changes"

My use case is yesterday playing with sockets, the image froze half
way through saving (hung at blank white window).  So after killing the
pharo process, the Image would not open. So before recreating the
Image in PharoLauncher, I copied the ombu-sessions folder and copied
into a fresh Image folder and selected each session in turn.  (So btw
that was a nice benefit of epicea versus the changes file needing to
be kept more in sync with image file.)  I only had half a dozen
sessions so it wasn't too much trouble.  But potentially there could
be a lot more sessions and being able to do them all at once would be

** i.e. I didn't learn the first time I tried this and it didn't work,
and found I accidentally tried doing it a few more times after that.

> BTW I don't like the file names... hints are welcome to improve it

Which file names do you mean?

cheers -ben

> Martin
> On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 9:19 AM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 3:03 PM, Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I think I would prefer to not have to think about this choice at all
>> > when in the world menu level. The user interface from the Epicea window
>> > already allows me to switch between current session and all sessions, and
>> > usually the decision of what to look at is based on whether I find what I 
>> > am
>> > looking for or not. So, rather then asking the user to think about it
>> > upfront, I would prefer to have one command that opens the Epicea window on
>> > the current session and allow the user to dive deeper. This would also 
>> > imply
>> > that we would have only one command in the menu item. What do you think?
>> Good point. I had a similar thought earlier.  The individual Session
>> Changes window is almost completely embedded in the All Sessions
>> window, so the former seems superfluous. The <Monitor> and <+> buttons
>> would need to be added to the All Sessions window, probably above the
>> "sesssion" pane.
>> Two additional things I think are required to facilitate this...
>> 1. The left-pane of the All Sessions windows needs to update when a
>> new session is created - per <+> button.
>> 2. It would be useful if a new session was created "when the image
>> opened" rather than when a change is made, so that it can be
>> preselected in the left-side pane when a fresh image is opened.  But
>> the file shouldn't be created until the first change, for the case
>> like a web service image being invoked multiple times a second.
>> Also one other request, That the current-session be tagged "Current"
>> rather than just "Today".
>> I can log issues if they all sound reasonable.
>> cheers -ben
>> >
>> >> On Dec 20, 2016, at 10:16 PM, stepharong <stephar...@free.fr> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> I like the second because it associates the name with the function.
>> >>
>> >> Stef
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Hi all,
>> >>
>> >> One point of Ben's feedback is how Epicea code changes tool is
>> >> presented in the World Menu. Below you can see the current state + 3 
>> >> options
>> >> to discuss it.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> 1. "Epicea" main entry > "Session Changes" + "All Changes" children
>> >> [current state]
>> >>
>> >> <Mail Attachment.png>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> 2. Attach purpose to the name: "Epicea Code Changes"
>> >>
>> >> <Mail Attachment.png>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> 3. Just "Code Changes" + rephrase children:
>> >>
>> >> <Mail Attachment.png>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> 4. Flatten
>> >>
>> >> <Mail Attachment.png>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Reminder: In World Menu > Help > Help Browser > Epicea you can find a
>> >> description of the tool and it's model.
>> >>
>> >> Cheers.
>> >> Martin
>> >>
>> >> On Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 1:02 AM, Martin Dias <tinchod...@gmail.com>
>> >> wrote:
>> >> Hello Ben,
>> >>
>> >> About discussion points in 2 (a, b and c): I agree with your
>> >> arguments... somebody that just moved from Pharo 5 to 6 and crashed an 
>> >> image
>> >> will look for a "Recover lost changes" in the menu and can have a problem 
>> >> to
>> >> discover it the replacement in a World->Tools->Epicea->... entry.
>> >>
>> >> Then, as a first step we could flatten the 2 menu entries and then at
>> >> least anybody will easily find an entry related to changes in 
>> >> World->Tools.
>> >>
>> >> Second, we could try to merge both Epicea GUIs into one (suggestions
>> >> are welcome).
>> >>
>> >> I still have to read more in detail the remaining of your report to
>> >> answer. Anyway, thanks a lot for it.
>> >>
>> >> Cheers,
>> >> Martin
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Sat, Oct 29, 2016 at 5:22 AM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
>> >> 1. Created fresh Pharo image (build 60269)
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> 2. Opened World > Tools > Epicea > All changes
>> >>
>> >> Points for discussion...
>> >>
>> >>   a. How many submenu items are expected for Epicea? Can we push the
>> >> current ones up so the Tools menu remains a flat menu.
>> >>
>> >>   b. Do we need the two current menu items?  "Current session" is
>> >> encompassed by "All changes"?  What expectations do people have of how
>> >> often they'll use the former rather than the latter?
>> >>
>> >>   c. When people move from Pharo 5 to Pharo 6 and in a panic want to
>> >> "recover changes" for a crashed image, they'll be looking for that
>> >> familiar feature name, not a new app name. Could the app name be left
>> >> out or placed in brackets "Changes (Epicea)".
>> >>
>> >> btw, the interface looks really slick! nice work.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> 3. Opened World > System Browser.
>> >>
>> >> 4. Added package AAA
>> >> All Changes window - no dynamic change.
>> >> On <refresh>, still no change, i.e. no sessions
>> >> #New All Changes window - not visible, no sessions.
>> >>
>> >> 5. Added class AA.
>> >> All Changes window - no dynamic change.
>> >> On <refresh>, shows new session with AAA & AA.
>> >>
>> >> 5. Added method...
>> >>     AA>a
>> >>        ^'something'
>> >> Prompted for author, entered 'BenComan'
>> >> All Changes window with session selected - dynamic update showing
>> >> AA>>a.
>> >>
>> >> 6. Added package BBB.
>> >> All Changes window - no dynamic update.
>> >> On <refresh>, BBB still not visible in session.
>> >>
>> >> 7. Added class A to package AAA.
>> >> All Changes window - dynamic update showing A.
>> >> On <refresh>, BBB still not visible in session.
>> >>
>> >> 8. Added class BB to package BBB.
>> >> All Changes window - dynamic update showing BBB & BB.
>> >>
>> >>   a. Package creation event seems not handled properly, being only
>> >> pushed through when a class is created in it.
>> >>
>> >>   b. Since there is a dynamic update for class and method
>> >> modifications, could the session creation also dynamically update it
>> >> UI.
>> >>
>> >> -----------
>> >> 9. Killed the vm from command line
>> >>     $ ps -ef | grep pharo
>> >>     $ kill 29349
>> >>    Restarted Pharo image
>> >>
>> >> 10. World > Tools > Epica > All changes.
>> >> Authorship is inconsistent:
>> >> * AAA and AA have blank author
>> >> * AA>>a, A, BBB, B have author 'BenComan'.
>> >>
>> >>  a. I understand this follows on from Author not being requested until
>> >> the first method was defined. Did the old changes track the author of
>> >> packages and classes at all?
>> >>
>> >>  b. Since Epicea can track package and class authors, can we trigger
>> >> the author prompt earlier for them?
>> >>
>> >> 11. Selected all previous changes AAA, AA, AA>>a, A, BBB, BB
>> >> and did <Apply Changes>.
>> >> Prompted for author. Entered 'DrWho'
>> >> Existing All Changes window - no change
>> >> New All Changes window - shows new session with all six changes.
>> >> Authorship is a little inconsistent:
>> >> * AAA and AA have author 'Unknown'.
>> >> * AA>>a, A, BBB, B have blank author.
>> >>
>> >> 12. Killed the vm from command line
>> >>     $ ps -ef | grep pharo
>> >>     $ kill 30696
>> >>    Restarted Pharo image
>> >>
>> >> 13. World > Tools > Epica > All changes.
>> >> Authorship is a little inconsistent:
>> >> First session
>> >> * AAA and AA have blank author
>> >> * AA>>a, A, BBB, B have author 'BenComan'.
>> >> Second session
>> >> * AAA and AA have blank author
>> >> * AA>>a, A, BBB, B have author 'DrWho'.
>> >>
>> >>  a. Epicea changes are reapplied as the current author.  This seems a
>> >> semantic change from Pharo 5 where changes were reapplied as their
>> >> original author. Is this accidental or by design?  Can we have some
>> >> community discussion on this point (I don't remember seeing any)?
>> >>
>> >> cheers -ben
>> >>
>> >> P.S. I'll wait to see what arises out of discussion before creating any
>> >> issues.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Using Opera's mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/
>> >
>> > --
>> > www.tudorgirba.com
>> > www.feenk.com
>> >
>> > "In a world where everything is moving ever faster,
>> > one might have better chances to win by moving slower."
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >

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