Impressive , Cuis has 13 times less classes than Pharo. Maybe I should give
it a closer look afterall.

Pity that does not translate well in hard disk space. Pharo 6 is 100mbs
Cuis is just 70mbs. The VM alone is 50 mbs.

On Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 1:38 AM <>

> Setting the Playground contents, yeah, I see what you mean. The old
> Workspace worked better there.
> I disagree with your view on the modularity.
> And Cuis is nice indeed (and the UI is fast) -
> shows the number
> of classes. Definitely less than Pharo.
> But it is not boostrap anything, sorry. It is the same code that has
> dependencies all over. Ok it is kind of a minimal image but not something
> one can call bootstrap.
> Check the original intent:
> So, starting from an empty object memory. That is important to have. So
> that we can rebuild in other ways.
> Phil
> On Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 9:21 PM, Dimitris Chloupis <>
> wrote:
> I was trying just yesterday to do something super simple, change the
> contents of Playground via code. I used the inspector to navigate , I ended
> up running around and accomplish zero.
> Bootstraping will never make Pharo easy. Bootstraping is for making it
> smaller and more modular.  Completely different thing.
> Pharo is super hard to hack because many of its APIs even for new tools
> like GTPlayground are huge pile of mess. The spaggetification of the Pharo
> image is beyond repair and needs a complete rewrite. But that is not going
> to happen any time this decade or the next. So for now we will have to
> compromise with the idea that Pharo code is hard and it will keep getting
> harder the more features are added even if the packages are reduced.
> On the other hand I am ok with hard code, as long as it gets the job done.
> Plus there was always a bootstraped "Pharo", Cuis, Wanna see how minimal
> and clean code looks like , take a deep look in Cuis, its a beauty. But
> Cuis is nowhere near as popular as Pharo. People prefer features over
> simplicity and , unfortunately , you cannot have both. I am willing to bet
> that we will still choose big Pharos image even when bootstrap becomes a
> reality. Its as if there is a lot of room to move here, most of the
> libraries inside Pharo are crucial to the system, others are very useful
> for user interaction.
> Unless of course we follow the example of Cuis and decided to reduce the
> features of Pharo, but I suspect that wont have many supporters.
> So yes its nice to have this extra options, no it wont make Pharo code
> much simpler.
> On Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 9:39 PM <>
> wrote:
> Bootstrapping is needed to escape the big ball of mud that the current
> image is.
> It is already much much much better than Pharo 1x.
> Having a smaller core can iron out a lot of issues and make it super
> stable.
> And decouple the various parts. That is no small feat indeed.
> And frankly it is super hard to understand how the whole thing actually
> works internally with all the stuff we have inside.
> I see bootstrapping as being able to extract the nuclear core from the
> current vehicle and be able to inject it into new forms.
> Phil
> On Tuesday, 1 November 2016, Dimitris Chloupis <>
> wrote:
> We already have a ton of ready made image in CI that pharolauncher has
> access to and it is very easy to build your own. I build my own images
> regularly with a makefile and startup script. You can do a lot of neat
> tricks with those two combinations.
> Because my image grows quite large lately I was thinking maybe make an
> image builder with pharo. Nothing fancy just a basic GUI that will ask me
> questions what I want to build and I can tick which image I want inside and
> let it run in the background. Essentially replacing both my makefile and my
> startup script. So far though I cannot say I really need it
> Why a test would corrupt the image, that makes no sense. I am using Pharo
> 5 years now and I did not have a single corrupted image, ever.
> Also about the claim that Pharo is "the best TDD" first time I heard that.
> What makes a system best for TDD ? its not as if TDD is anything
> sophisticated or even something new. The only difference is that lately it
> went from being a library to being a religion.
> You may compare Ruby all you want with Pharo but then that gives me
> motivation to compare Ruby with Python . Ruby basically has Ruby on Rails
> and then.... nothing.  Great language , lousy library system.
> Bootstrapping is more than welcomed but I am sorry to say that , its not
> that important.
> You wanna proof , take a look at Python, huge library and coders love it.
> Actually the huge size of its library was always its best selling point.
> Python is pretty much everywhere nowdays and there is nothing stopping it.
> Not that is a surprise Python always prioritised minimalism and ease of use
> over amount of features , something desperately needed in todays incredible
> complex software demands.

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