> It may look super cool and be hyper trendy to use github (because like
> that you can say that you use latest hyper cool
> features), but I would like to ask especially people building libraries
> to pay attention that it is important
> that other people can contribute back easily and that there is an easy
> way to load/contribute.
 Indeed Git and Github are hypercool and trendy but the important question
here is why.

Why C++ is so popular, why Java is so popular, why Javascript is so
popular, Why python is so popular. When you ask why you understand that
being hyper cool, its not a thing, its not something you can glance over

its a practical need

we needed a language that is super fast with ability to handle complex
code, C++
we needed a language that is focused on enterprise development , Java
we needed a language to make web developent, Javascript
we needed a language to simplify C/C++/Java and C# without losing
libraries, Python
we needed a superfast decentralized versions control systems for both code
and other assets , Git
we needed a place to host online open source projects with git , Github
we needed the perfect language , the perfect libraries a tool to end all
tools , Nothing

each one of those hypercools excel in what you are doing, in many cases
they are more than one, not because they are easy but because they are
powerful. To go back to old alternatives would be like going back to caves
because you have hard time opening the front door of your house.

You may choose to go back to the cave but do not expect people to follow

You preach people not to leave the comforts of the nest because its safe
and it easy, but in the end I find that as wasted potential.

The question I am asking myself everyday how far can Pharo go with taking
advantage of modern technology, how far Pharo can go if it gains access to
the same exact resources as all other programming languages ? What would it
mean for the average Pharo developer to be able to use not just web dev
libraries but any library, any tool , any programming language , any time ?

If you can answer these questions then you know why embracing git and
github is the right choice even if it pains you, even if makes you lose
sleep sometimes or even if you find it hard.

Just because Smalltalk is an island, Pharo does not need to be one.

Afterall .... Pharo is not Smalltalk, or so we claim

Its time to put our money where our mouths are.

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