On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 7:38 AM, Stephan Eggermont <step...@stack.nl> wrote:
> On 24/01/17 10:11, Guillermo Polito wrote:
>> Besides, I'm interested in knowing the official reasons for why we were
>> rejected last years :P.
> That's the always the same: we get many more applications than we can
> sponsor, and we have to make a choice.

yes we receive this answer last year.

One option to enhance the situation this year is maybe to have less
projects proposed by Pharo community (10-12 ?) but with more detailed
explanations. Apparently this is something important to be accepted as
an organisation by Google.

There is a small team with Jigyasa, Yuriy, Alexandre who is working on that.
If you have ideas and want to help, you can join #gsoc-planning on Slack.

Thank you.

Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk

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