
> Am 25.01.2017 um 13:54 schrieb Clément Bera <>:
> On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 11:35 AM, Norbert Hartl < 
> <>> wrote:
> Does anyone know the state of immutability support in vm and image? The 
> latest vm downloadable is compiled with
> (Esteban said that). When I open a pharo6 image with this VM and do:
> ASUser new
>         setIsReadOnlyObject: true;
>         name: 'foo'
> with
> ASUser>>#name: arg1
>         name := arg1
> I don't get an exception. Is there something missing or am I not 
> understanding?
> Hi Norbert,
> Thank you very much for looking read-only objects.
> When mutating an instance variable, the VM triggers a call-back that by 
> default does nothing. In your case, running your code does not raise an 
> exception but the object should not be modified either. If you want an 
> exception, you need to change the call-back code, i.e., the method 
> Object>>#attemptToAssign: value withIndex: index. For example, you could 
> write:
> Object>>#attemptToAssign: value withIndex: index 
>       | process |
>       self notify: 'object changed !'.
>       process := Processor activeProcess.
>       [ process suspendedContext: process suspendedContext sender ] forkAt: 
> Processor activePriority + 1.
>       Processor yield.
> Then, your code should open a notification window with 'object changed', and 
> proceeding keeps running the code without mutating the object.
thank you very much for the explanation. What was the rationale behind doing 
nothing as default? I can see there is two interpretations of read-only. One 
being just don't modify the object the other being throwing an exception when 
an attempt to modify is made. I think that having an exception thrown would 
make it easier to write code using it. I don't want to monkey patch Object but 
still make this general applicable.

> One needs to build a ModificationTracker framework on top of the VM support I 
> introduced. Multiple things are required, like default behavior in this 
> call-back and in primitive failure code. I am willing to support and help 
> anyone willing to build such a framework, but I won't build it myself.
Modification tracking is exactly the reason why I look into it. I have two 
other approaches doing modification tracking. But both are inferior to an 
approach using read-only objects.


> If you have any other questions or if you find bug don't hesitate to ask 
> further questions
> Best,
> PS: Make sure "Smalltalk vm supportsWriteBarrier" answers true in your 
> system, if this is not the case it means the VM does not support read-only 
> objects.
> Clement
> Norbert

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