On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 4:42 PM, Denis Kudriashov <dionisi...@gmail.com>

> Another question Clement.
> I found that current method doing something strange:
> attemptToAssign: value withIndex: index
> process := Processor activeProcess.
> [ process suspendedContext: process suspendedContext sender ] forkAt:
> Processor activePriority + 1.
> Processor yield.
> Could you comment why new process needed here?
> I just check simple version with error and it works:
> attemptToAssign: value withIndex: index
> ^self error: 'modification failed'.
> Also if I will modify #contents: as "*^*contents:=newValue" then
> following code is working well:
> o := ValueHolder new.
> o beReadOnlyObject.
> [o contents: #test] on: Error do: [:err | err resumeUnchecked: #done]. "=>
> #done"
> So I not understand the problem described in method comment.

Hi Denis,

I will look into this case tomorrow, it looks like a bug. Thanks for

For the Process hack, it's because the call-back was designed to return no
value. It may look like it works when returning a value but you will have
uncommon crashes.

> 2017-01-25 16:21 GMT+01:00 Denis Kudriashov <dionisi...@gmail.com>:
>> 2017-01-25 15:52 GMT+01:00 Clément Bera <bera.clem...@gmail.com>:
>>> Overall, you need to:
>>> - change the code of all numbered primitives mutating objects (such as
>>> at:put:) so that when they fail because of a read-only object they call the
>>> modification tracker framework.
>> I think it is for future.
>> But now behaviour is just inconsistent because making object readonly
>> breaks any app using it *silently*.
>> Also I see that instVarAt:put: will raise error instead of skipping it.
>> So two ways to modify object lead to different behavior. It's not good.
>> My conclusion: it must be error by default. Something like this:
>> Object>>#attemptToAssign: value withIndex: index
>>       (ModificationForbidden for: self at: index with: value) signal
>> It is not fix completely inconsistence with #instVarAt:put: but at least
>> they both will fail.
>> By the way I was supprized that failed #instVarAt:put: shows "bad
>> receiver" in primitive *er* variable (<primitive: 174 error: *ec*>). Is
>> "bad receiver" is always about mutability? And if not then how we will
>> distinguish different cases?

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