Nothing new, that's the term.

Memoization: After computing a solution to a subproblem, store it in a
table. Subsequent calls check the table to avoid redoing work.

I have been using the method for something else, caching costly REST calls.

"Retrieves the metadata for all types of issues. Fields are expanded"
^ self isMemoizingMeta
ifTrue: [ ([ :ignored | self getIssueCreateMetaWithExpandKeys: true ]
memoizedUsing: self cache ) value: #issueCreateMeta ]
ifFalse: [ self getIssueCreateMetaWithExpandKeys: true ]


^ cache ifNil: [cache := LRUCache new maximumWeight: self
defaultCacheWeight ]

It is nice to see the cache hit rate etc in the inspector.

BTW I am interested to see how one coul dwrite the code above without
repeating the block.
Also, :ignored is not used by the method but is the cache key.


On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 10:30 PM, Igor Stasenko <> wrote:

> #once can be interpreted as 'evaluate it once',
> but i don't like the #memoized .. it sounds painful to my ears.
> It sounds like something stinking smeared across my face.. and i always
> got stuck,confused and lost as the meaning of it always
> escaping my mind, since it naturally defends itself from any unpleasant
> thoughts.
> IMHO, maybe #once is not the best wording for what it does , but
> #memoizing... yuck.. pardon me.
>  :)
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko.

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