On Sun, Jan 29, 2017 at 10:14 PM, stepharong <stephar...@free.fr> wrote:

> Hi guys
> Since we will push the remote tools (videos/web...) I would like to get
> some ideas for a cool name.
> Any ideas?
> Because Pharmide (looks like medicine or chemical product).
> Since I vaguely remember some german Pharmide made me think about
> Fern(sehen) but this is not a good name.
For a change, I'm lacking original ideas :P
But of other suggestions, I like...

> Phresnel from Fresnel lenses [1] used in lighthouses to be visible over
greater distances
Good googability and a *great* fit for Pharo's lighthouse theme.
There is one competing project https://github.com/lobid/Phresnel
but it looks abandoned and ranks low in searches.

> PharoAfar
Except its a bit of a tongue twist and I'd shorten it to Pharofar, and
maybe Pharophar.
far = at, to, or by a great distance

> Pharoscope from Pharo + Telescope
Related terms: borescope, oscilloscope, spectroscope.

So far Phresnel is my phavorite.

cheers -ben

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